Summary for October 13, 2004 (Day=287)

                              sunrise 06:11  sunset 17:31
Wind Conditions

                              ht(m)      TA-6     TA-41     TA-49     TA-53     TA-54

      Average speed (m/s)        92       4.0                                        
                                 46       3.5                 4.1       3.8       3.6
                                 23       3.2       1.6       3.8       3.4       3.5
                                 11       2.7       1.3       3.4       3.0       3.1

                 Max gust        92      18.0                                        
           Gust direction                  16                                        
                Gust time               13:02                                        

                 Max gust        46      16.0                16.9      17.4      16.3
           Gust direction                  21                   6        21        12
                Gust time               12:37               12:57     13:05     13:34

                 Max gust        23      15.3       6.2      15.9      15.5      15.5
           Gust direction                  15       117         8        11         8
                Gust time               12:56     11:31     12:57     13:33     13:43

                 Max gust        11      14.4       5.6      14.8      16.7      13.9
           Gust direction                  18       170        10        11       352
                Gust time               12:56     12:26     12:57     13:05     13:11

State Variables and Precipitation
Measurements made at 1.2 M; exceptions noted.
(Normals and extremes ignored for now)

                              ht(m)      TA-6     TA-41     TA-49     TA-53     TA-54

          Temperature (C)         1
                  Maximum                 8.6       9.9      10.5      10.4       9.8
                     Time               06:54     10:06     00:08     00:39     10:14
                  Minimum                -2.0      -1.5      -0.8       0.2      -1.3
                     Time               23:18     23:58     22:19     23:39     23:24
                 Midnight                -1.1      -1.2      -0.3       0.9      -0.3

    Dew point temperature         1
                  Maximum                   4                   4         4         5
                  Minimum                  -4                  -4        -3        -2
                  Average                   0                   0         1         2

             Humidity (%)         1
                  Maximum                  95                  90        93        93
                  Minimum                  58                  51        56        67
                  Average                  81                  76        76        85
                 Midnight                  87                  83        86        93

            Pressure (mb)         1
                  Maximum               779.8                                   805.9
                  Minimum               775.5                                   801.0

       Precipitation (in)          
        Total for the day                0.18                0.37      0.31      0.29
        So far this month                1.86                3.02      1.34      1.98

Energy at the Surface (kw-h/m^2)
                                         TA-6     TA-41     TA-49     TA-53     TA-54

 Net short wave radiation                0.89                                    0.93

  Net long wave radiation               -0.73                                   -2.28

          Solar radiation                1.03      0.80      1.04      1.06      1.15

   Net all-wave radiation                0.16                                   -1.35

            Sensible heat                                                            

              Latent heat                0.47                                    0.69

              Ground heat               -0.89                                   -0.82

          Residual energy                                                            

 Residual as % of net rad                                                            

    Bowen ratio (daytime)              -0.38*                                   0.22*

                   Albedo                0.14                                    0.19

                  ET (mm)                 0.7                                     1.0

                         Summary for October 13, 2004 (Day=287)