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Joint Forces Intelligence Command

The Joint Forces Intelligence Command (JFIC) works closely with U.S. Joint Forces Command’s Intelligence Directorate (J2) as a subordinate unit acting as a transformation bridge for intelligence matters.

In addition to performing some of the normal intelligence production roles, JFIC touches every aspect of USJFCOM’s mission of leading the transformation of the U.S. military.

The Norfolk,Va.-based command focuses on supporting USJFCOM’s intelligence needs for joint force training, concept development and experimentation and joint integration andinteroperability.

The command also serves as a key player in developing intelligence issues for the standing joint force headquarters (SJFHQ) core element prototype, a team of operational planners and information command and control specialists designed to form the backbone of the joint task force command structure for each regional combatant commander.

JFIC also serves a number of customers such as the Department of Defense, other combatant commanders, combat support agencies, the services and industry who work closely with the command on goals that will optimize joint operational intelligence.

Among its many other functions, JFIC:

• Evaluates intelligence analysis tools and networks. JFIC is exploring new intelligence analysis concepts, techniques, and tools to advance intelligence analysis capabilities.

• Integrates intelligence concepts and enablers for prototypes such as the SJFHQ. JFCOM intelligence is developing the highly classified command and control (C2) and the systems baselines of joint standards that will be utilized by regional combatant commander SJFHQs.

• Acts as the USJFCOM lead for the development of intelligence transformation change packages that will outline how intelligence will develop and change in the coming years. JFIC puts particular emphasis on the joint operational level intelligence doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership, facilities, and personnel.

• Operationalizes lessons learned including the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) among others. JFIC specifically focuses on improving how joint operational intelligence conducts targeting, bomb damage assessment (BDA), collection management, analysis, production, and dissemination.

• Works on Joint Intelligence Planning Concept Development. USJFCOM and JFIC are exploring concepts related to persistent/agile collection capabilities and processes; regional combatant command adaptable intelligence analysis processes and products; information sharing, and intelligence support to effects-based operations.

• Conducts efforts with USJFCOM J2, in partnership with the director of the DIA, to bridge operations and intelligence, providing processes, systems and tools to create a coherent, joint operational intelligence capability, environment and transformation culture.

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Intelligence Directorate
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U.S. Joint Forces Command 1562 Mitscher Ave. Suite 200 Norfolk, Va. 23551-2488 757-836-6555/DSN 836-6555