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Human Resources Division



2004 Pay

To view the current Salary Tables for the year 2004, with locality pay, please click on the link in the heading above to be directed to the Office of Personnel Management's  (OPM) web site. GS grades are reflected vertically on the left side of the Table, and step increases are reflected horizontally in the area at the top of the Table. Employees in steps 1 through 4 of a grade have a one-year waiting period before being eligible for the next within-grade step increase; employees in steps 4 through 7 wait two years between steps; and employees in steps 7 through 10 wait three years between steps. GS employees generally must spend at least one year in grade before being eligible to be promoted. After one year, a GS-9 step1 employee, who is not on a time-limited appointment, would be eligible to receive a step increase to GS-9 step 2 after one year of service, assuming a satisfactory performance level has been maintained.

There are different Salary Tables for Senior Executives, Administrative Law Judges, for different geographic locations to account for cost of living in the specified locality and for special salary rate for some positions requiring typing or stenographic skills.

The majority of FLRA positions are in the General Schedule (GS) in grades ranging from GS-7 through GS-14; a few positions are classified below the GS-7 level, or as GS-15, Administrative Law Judge, or Senior Executive Service positions.

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