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Standard Error Tables

Standard error tables include annual expenditure means, standard errors and coefficients of variation (%) by various demographic characteristics.   Tables from 2000 through 2002 are available below in either ASCII text format (TXT) or portable document format (PDF).  

To download or view the PDF files, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be obtained from the Adobe Acrobat Web site free of charge.

It is suggested the PDF files be used for printing.

2002 | 2001 | 2000

2002 Standard Error Tables

  • Age of reference person — (TXT) (PDF 36K)
  • Composition of consumer unit — (TXT) (PDF 38K)
  • Education of reference person — (TXT) (PDF 39K)
  • Housing tenure, type of area, race of reference person, and Hispanic origin of reference person — (TXT) (PDF 38K)
  • Income before taxes — (TXT) (PDF 40K)
  • Number of earners in consumer unit — (TXT) (PDF 33K)
  • Occupation of reference person — (TXT) (PDF 39K)
  • Quintiles of income before taxes — (TXT) (PDF 35K)
  • Size of consumer unit — (TXT) (PDF 32K)

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2001 Standard Error Tables

  • Age of reference person — (TXT) (PDF 36K)
  • Composition of consumer unit — (TXT) (PDF 38K)
  • Education of reference person — (TXT) (PDF 38K)
  • Housing tenure, type of area, race of reference person, and Hispanic origin of reference person — (TXT) (PDF 37K)
  • Income before taxes — (TXT) (PDF 39K)
  • Number of earners in consumer unit — (TXT) (PDF 32K)
  • Occupation of reference person — (TXT) (PDF 39K)
  • Quintiles of income before taxes — (TXT) (PDF 35K)
  • Size of consumer unit — (TXT) (PDF 32K)

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2000 Standard Error Tables

  • Age of reference person — (TXT) (PDF 40K)
  • Composition of consumer unit — (TXT) (PDF 37K)
  • Education of reference person — (TXT) (PDF 37K)
  • Housing tenure, type of area, race of reference person, and Hispanic origin of reference person — (TXT) (PDF 45K)
  • Income before taxes — (TXT) (PDF 48K)
  • Number of earners in consumer unit — (TXT) (PDF 40K)
  • Occupation of reference person — (TXT) (PDF 38K)
  • Quintiles of income before taxes — (TXT) (PDF 43K)
  • Size of consumer unit — (TXT) (PDF 36K)

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Last Modified Date: November 24, 2003


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U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Consumer Expenditure Surveys
Branch of Information and Analysis
Suite 3985
2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20212-0001

Phone: (202) 691-6900
Fax: (202) 691-7006
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