National  Health Information Center 

Health Information Resource Database

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National Mental Health Association

Contact Information

Public Information and Education
2001 Beauregard Street, 12th Floor
Alexandria, VA 22311

800-969-6642 (Voice - Toll-free)
703-684-7722 (Voice)
703-684-5968 (FAX)
800-433-5959 (Voice - TTY)

Internet Resources


The National Mental Health Association (NMHA) was created to improve understanding of mental health and mental illnesses and to assist people with mental illnesses and their families. Local chapters provide information services to individuals and community groups; provide volunteers for hospitals, community health centers, and other facilities serving people with mental illnesses; provide emotional support for families and assist them in learning how to help their family member; and provide assistance to school systems developing special education programs for children with mental illnesses, to providers of aftercare and rehabilitation services, and to local governments in planning and developing mental health services. State MHA chapters provide information and statistics on mental health and mental illnesses in the State; promote legislation for development and funding of State mental health services, research, and programs; and provide assistance for the development of new local chapters and for the work of established chapters. The national organization develops informational materials, lobbies for Federal mental health legislation, stimulates funding of research on the causes and treatment of mental illnesses, provides pamphlets for State and local MHAs and others, and trains MHA staff and volunteers.


The NMHA publishes pamphlets and booklets on many aspects of mental health and mental illnesses. Topics include aging, childhood mental health and mental illnesses, employment and mental illnesses, mental health services, mental health education, teen suicide, coping, schizophrenia, legislation and litigation, the insanity defense, stress, depression, and many others. Some items are available in Spanish. A special series deals with children's feelings. A publications catalog is available on request. Serial publication: The Bill (newsletter), monthly--news of conferences and workshops, current mental health legislation, and media activities.


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Date Entered: 6/1/1998
Date Edited: 8/16/2004
Date Revised: 8/2/2004
Health Referral Number: HR0641
Accession Number: DP91A0120

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