National  Health Information Center 

Health Information Resource Database

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by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.]

Screening for Mental Health, Inc.

Contact Information

One Washington Street
Suite 304
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481-1706

781-239-0071 (Voice)
781-431-7447 (FAX)

Internet Resources


Screening for Mental Health (SMH) is a non-profit organization that provides community-based (in-person) and interactive (telephone and online) programs of mental health education and screening for depression, bipolar disorder, suicide intervention, alcohol problems, eating disorders, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. SMH pioneered large-scale, mental health screening that now serves: general and psychiatric hospitals, mental health clinics, primary care clinicians, employers, employee assistance providers, healthcare organizations, colleges and high schools. Its two flagship programs are National Depression Screening Day in October and National Alcohol Screening Day in April. All of SMH's programs are designed to promote awareness, early detection and linkage to appropriate mental health resources for further evaluation and treatment. Douglas G. Jacobs, M.D., the organization's founder and Executive Director, is a Harvard-affiliated, clincal psychiatrist and nationally recognized expert on depression and suicide. Screening for Mental Health is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization that is supported by federal, foundation, and corporate grants and by registration fees from participating organizations.



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Date Entered: 12/1/1997
Date Edited: 8/18/2004
Date Revised: 8/2/2004
Health Referral Number: HR2697
Accession Number:

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