Office of Operations
photos of traffic merging onto congested highway, congestion in snowstorm, variable message sign, cargo, a work zone, and a freeway at night
 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Current Program Activities Report

Updated July 2004

This report has been updated and summarizes recent activity of selected programs within the Office of Operations.  The revisions reflect program titles that are consistent throughout the Office of Operations.  For additional information about these or other activities, contact the program manager noted in each section.  Additionally, more information may be available on the Office of Operations' web site:  This report will be updated quarterly. This report is also available in Word Version (DOC, 258KB).

Table of Contents Page

  1. Non-recurring Congestion
    1. Traffic Incident Management
    2. Work Zone Management
    3. Road Weather Management
    4. Special Events Traffic Management
  2. Recurring Congestion
    1. Arterial Management
    2. Corridor Traffic Management
    3. Freeway Management
    4. Travel Demand Management
  3. Day to Day Operations
    1. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
    2. Operations Asset Management
    3. Real Time Traveler Information
    4. Traffic Analysis Tools
  4. Creating a Foundation for 21st Century Operations
    1. Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination (RTOCC)
    2. Performance Measurement
    3. Facilitating Integrated ITS Deployment
  5. Improving Global Connectivity by Enhancing Freight Management and Operations
    1. Freight Analysis
    2. Freight Professional Development
    3. Freight Size and Weight
    4. Intermodal Freight Technology
  6. Improving Mobility and Security through Better Emergency Management
    1. Emergency Transportation Operations

Operations Program Activities


    1. Traffic Incident Management (TIM):  Program Manager, Dave Helman (

      TIM Self-Assessment – As part of the Congestion Vital Few Goal for FHWA, a TIM self-assessment tool was developed.  The self-assessment is intended as a diagnostic for metropolitan areas.  The tool was completed for each of the top 75 urban areas through a multi-agency panel of state and local transportation, public safety and private sector partners involved in the traffic incident management program being assessed. National results have been published, but individual results will not be.  The assessments will be revisited or redone on a two-year cycle with half (41 assessments) revisited each year.  The FY 2004 assessment process is underway with results due by August 1, 2004.

      1. National Traffic Incident Management Coalition (NTIMC) – The coalition, facilitated through AASHTO, and made up of representatives of a number of transportation, public safety and private sector organizations, held its initial meeting on June 23, 2004, in Washington, DC.  Coalition members adopted a preliminary mission and scope and formed task forces to outline Coalition organization and leadership and a Coalition Action Plan for the next 12 to 18 months.

      2. TRAA National Drivers Certification – The Towing and Recovery Association of America (TRAA), with assistance from FHWA developed a three-level National Driver Certification Program (NDCP) in the mid 1990s.  Nearly 10,000 tow operators have been certified by TRAA, but this represents only about 5% of the industry nationwide.  FHWA, in cooperation with TRAA and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) will undertake an effort to increase awareness of the value of certification and the numbers of certified drivers, particularly among those who respond to traffic incidents.  A Focus Group comprised of representatives from the towing and recovery industry, law enforcement and FHWA will meet in August to discuss how to increase the awareness of the NDCP and its use by law enforcement and the industry.

      3. TIM Performance Measures – Eleven FHWA Division Offices have agreed to participate in an Operations Focus States initiative on Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Performance Measurement.  The Texas Transportation Institute has been commissioned to develop a TIM Performance Measure White Paper exploring the programmatic and technical issues in multi-agency program performance measurement.  The purpose of the Focus States initiative is to identify appropriate measures of performance for TIM programs, identify who is now collecting and archiving data, and explore issues in fusing data from disparate public safety and transportation databases to form a more complete picture of traffic incident management activities.

      4. TIMTOW - The Towing and Recovery Association of America (TRAA) has prepared a Traffic Incident Management Handbook for the industry.  Industry members who are active in traffic incident management programs around the country wrote the document.  A panel of national traffic incident management experts also reviewed it.  The purpose of the document is to facilitate the understanding of traffic incident management programs within the industry and to describe how industry members should involve themselves in local programs. The document has been distributed to the 37,000 member companies of TRAA. As a follow-up activity, TRAA is revising its three level National Driver Certification Program materials to incorporate material in the TIMTOW document.

      5. CAD FOT (Computer Aided Dispatch Field Operational Test) - This FOT provides for the creation of teams in two states (Utah and Washington) to provide integration of data among transportation management and public safety CAD system databases to make rapid exchange of unambiguous incident-related information possible.  This data integration will facilitate quicker and more appropriate response by secondary responders and provide better traffic and incident –related information to public safety agencies.  The teams consist of a transportation agency and its systems integrator and a public safety agency and its CAD vendor.  The Cooperative Agreements have been executed work is currently underway. The FOT is due to be completed by August 2005.

      6. IIMS (Integrated Incident Management System) - The IIMS is a project in New York City (NYC) to send pictures and incident information from a first responder on-the-scene to secondary responders (NYC Department of Transportation and Department of Sanitation).  The information is provided directly to off-site supervisors enabling them to make faster and more accurate response of their resources without having to travel to the incident scene first.  The project has been expanded citywide using CMAQ funds.  An evaluation report of the initial deployment of IIMS has been completed.

      7. "Managing Traffic Incidents and Roadway Emergencies", National Highway

        Institute (NHI) Course No. 133048  – This workshop addresses many on-scene operations and communications issues as well as organizational issues. It will continue to be presented to mid and upper level transportation, public safety and private sector partners.  The course is now available from NHI.

      8. Model Procedures Guide - The Model Procedures Guide for Highway Incidents is

        being prepared under the auspices of the National Fire Service Incident Management System.  The Guide addresses on-scene incident command and control protocols (Incident Command) for traffic incidents and introduces an Incident Command System (ICS) position for Traffic Control.  The Guide has been completed and is in printing at National Fire Protection Publications.  It is expected to be available for purchase in August 2004.

      9. NHI Course 133101 - Using the Incident Command System (ICS) at Highway Incidents – This new course is being developed by NHI targeted primarily to transportation responders.  It will deal with Incident Command (ICS) at highway incidents and describe what ICS is, its structure, and how it is used at highway incidents.  The course will also contain two scenarios for class participants.  ICS material presented will be based on the National Incident Management System (NIMS – Department of Homeland Security) and will also reference the Model Procedures Guide for Highway Incidents.  Development of this course will begin in September and the course should be available in mid-2005.

      10. Simplified Guide to Incident Command Systems for Transportation Professionals – The purpose of this Guide is to explain the Incident Command System (ICS) and its use at highway incidents under both Single Command and Unified Command structures.  The materials will be based on the National Incident Management System (NIMS – Department of Homeland Security) and will also reference the Model Procedures Guide for Highway Incidents.  Development of this Guide will begin in September and should be completed in mid-2005.

      11. TIM Program Case Studies - This study will investigate and document the various types of Traffic Incident Management program institutional structures in about 12 locations.  The final case studies report will discuss how the programs were formed, what events or decisions lead to their formation, how they are sustained (institutionally, technically and financially), successes and failures (lessons learned), changes made since inception to support or strengthen the programs and recommendations on program structure needed to support multi-agency programs to effectively manage and resolve traffic incidents.  The study is expected to be completed in September 2004.

      12. Non-Blinding Emergency Vehicle Warning Light Systems – This study, begun in October 2003, investigates the effect of various emergency warning light systems on driver comprehension and behavior and on the safety of on-scene emergency responders.  This study is being conducted under a cooperative agreement with the United States Fire Administration (DHS/FEMA).  It is scheduled to be completed by December 31, 2004.

      13. Traffic Control Training for Emergency Responders – The FHWA is partnering with the United States Fire Administration (DHS/FEMA) through the International Fire Service Training association (IFSTA) to develop effective technical guidance and training in traffic control at highway incidents in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.  This guidance and training will also clarify incident command procedures as described in the new Model Procedures Guide for Highway Incidents that was produced by the National Fire Service Incident Management System Consortium.  The kick-off meeting for this effort with USFA will take place in August.

    2. Work Zone Management:  Program Manager, Scott Battles (

      1. Work Zone Self-Assessment - As part of the Congestion Vital Few Goal for FHWA, a comprehensive work zone self-assessment tool was developed and delivered to all 52 FHWA Division Offices late in 2002.  The self-assessment tool was designed to assist State departments of transportation (DOTs) in evaluating the state-of-their-practice and determining areas for future focus.  Each State completed the self-assessment in early 2003.  Results were compiled and analyzed to produce a national summary report providing average scores and identifying areas for improvement. The national summary report is available on the web at  Individual state results are not available.  The FY2004 version of the work zone self-assessment was distributed to all 52 Division Offices May 2004.  The results of that assessment will be available by November 2004.

        The Self-Assessment process has resulted in increased awareness of and communication on work zone issues and has provided valuable insight as to what the DOTs do to reduce the incidence of delay and crashes associated with work zones.  This information will be used to refine outreach, research, and deployment strategies underlying the FHWA work zone program.

      2. Work Zone Safety and Mobility Final Rule for 23 CFR 630, Subpart J – The comment period for the work zone Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rule Making (SNPRM) closed on June 14, 2004 with 34 respondents to the Federal Register docket.  All comments have been analyzed and the final rule is being developed.  FHWA expects the final rule to be published in the fall of 2004.

        To support the new work zone rule FHWA is developing materials that will assist transportation professionals in the implementation of the rule's focus areas; such as, a Communication and Outreach Strategies guide, Transportation Management Planning guide, Work Zone Impacts Assessment guide, and enhanced work zone training courses.  These support materials shall be available in the spring of 2005.

      3. ITS and Work Zones Crosscutting Study - Work zones present mobility and safety challenges to travelers and road workers.  As infrastructure deteriorates and more roadwork is done under traffic to repair existing facilities, the use of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) in work zones is a growing consideration. Using ITS in work zones can help ease traveler frustration, manage congestion, and prevent crashes. The purpose of this study is to educate maintenance and construction engineers and public sector managers about ITS technologies for work zones.  A study report and brochure cover work zone ITS application in four states, including information on why the systems were selected, design and operational characteristics, any issues/lessons learned, and the benefits derived from using the systems.  The report also profiles other ITS-related work zone products, systems and techniques.  The report and brochure can be obtained through the website at  FHWA is currently developing four case study documents on applications of work zone ITS, and an implementation guide. The guide will provide information to practitioners on the considerations for selecting and implementing a work zone ITS application.

      4.   Full Closures for Work Zones Case Study - The purpose of this study is to raise awareness among construction engineers and managers of the applications and benefits of full road closure during rehabilitation and construction activities.  Full road closures remove the worker-traffic interaction.  This allows full access to the entire roadway section on which work will be performed and potentially improves efficiency and safety, and shortens the duration of work.  Six field applications were researched, and project descriptions, rationale for using full closure, benefits, and lessons learned for each site was developed as part of the cross-cutting study.  Information on the full road closure applications was gathered from site visits, interviews, and project related publications.  A study report and brochure describing the findings have been published and are available via the work zone website  FHWA is also developing three case study documents that will provide greater detail on three of the six sites studied.

      5. Making Work Zones Work Better Workshop – To facilitate peer exchange and introduce the community of practitioners to new strategies and technologies for mitigating work zone impacts, a workshop series -- "Making Work Zones Work Better" -- was initiated asanother component of FHWA's comprehensive work zone outreach effort.  Over the past two years, twenty workshops have been held in 19 states.  This series, a partnership activity including FHWA headquarters and field offices and state DOTs, highlights the use of strategies such as ITS, full road closure, and innovative contracting, as well as other promising work zone technologies and practices. The workshops brought nearly 2500 transportation practitioners together to discuss both strategic and tactical approaches to improving work zone mobility and safety.  FHWA is capturing the commentary from the workshops to identify opportunities where FHWA can support broadly applicable improvements to work zone operations.  Continued support of the workshop will transfer to the Resource Center's Operations Technical Services Team by the end of this year.

      6. Assessment of Work Zone ITS Effectiveness - FHWA is conducting a study to collect and evaluate data from up to six WZ ITS deployments to establish quantifiable results of the effectiveness of ITS applications in work zones.  Measures to focus upon include measurable items such as delay, queue length, and safety. Vehicle throughput and the delivery of information on work zones to travelers are also being considered.  Data have been collected at two sites to date. Data collection will continue through 2004.

      7. QuickZone – An Excel-based user-friendly software tool to assess queues and delay in work zones.  Through alternative analysis, the best staging/phasing plan and mitigation strategies can be identified to minimize user delay and queuing in work zones.  Version 1.0 is available through McTrans and PCTrans.  Version 2.0 will be available this fiscal year pending Section 508 compliance retooling.

    3. Road Weather Management: Program Manager, Paul Pisano (

      1. Best Practices CD on Road Weather Management - The CD captures a  variety of traffic, emergency, and maintenance management practices that alleviate the impacts of weather.  The best practices were obtained through interviews with state and local practitioners.  Each practice documented includes information on the applications, results, lessons learned and contacts for further information.  It is being expanded to include other success stories, and is posted on the Road Weather Management website ( Version 2.0 of this CD was released in May 2003.  A copy of the CD can be requested via the ITS Cooperative Deployment Network (ICDN) at

      2. Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) - The MDSS is a decision support tool for winter maintenance managers.  It fuses relevant road weather forecasts, maintenance practices, and maintenance resource data into a "one-stop shop," providing recommended winter maintenance actions. FHWA released Version 2.0 of the MDSS software in Winter 2003, and it is available from the National Center for Atmospheric Research at  The system was demonstrated in Iowa in coordination with the Iowa DOT and Iowa State University in early 2003 and again in the 2003-2004 winter.  Results of the demonstration are being compiled, and version 3.0 will be released in Fall 2004.

      3.   Fundamentals of Road Weather Management, NHI course No. 137030A. -

        A one-day course is being developed to introduce transportation decisions makers to the basics behind road weather information systems and the ways that they can be applied to address a host of weather-related problems. Topics include a review of road weather problems, meteorology for the non-meteorologist, technology resources and implementations, and case studies.  The course will be available in the Spring 2005.

      4. Weather Responsive Traffic Management – 21st Century Operations embraces the concept that transportation managers can improve traffic flow, even under adverse weather.  Several efforts are underway to see this concept become a reality.  This includes:

        1. Documenting the ways in which weather information is currently incorporated into freeway and arterial management systems, and how the information is used.  This project will be completed in the Winter 2004.
        2. Determining which variables in traffic simulation models are most sensitive to changes in weather.  This project is complete, and a report is available.
        3. Collecting empirical data of vehicle performance to fully understand changes in speed, flow and density under a variety of weather conditions.  The projected completion date of this project is Winter 2005.

      5. Weather and Highways Policy Forum – In partnership with the American Meteorological Society, the FHWA sponsored a two-day forum in November 2003 to explore policy issues related to weather and highways.  The output of the forum is a report that describes the issues that affect the implementation of solutions to make highways safer and more efficient, even under inclement weather conditions.  The report also provides recommended steps to address the impediments to implemented solutions.

      6. Surface Transportation Weather Research – The Highway Environment. In  2003 the FHWA commissioned the National Academies of Science to convene a panel of transportation and weather experts to explore the research needs that would alleviate the impacts of weather on the surface transportation system.  The Board on Atmospheric Science and Climate conducted the effort, in coordination with the Transportation Research Board.  Their report, which presents a surface transportation research plan, was released in March 2004.  A one-page flyer describing these two reports has been published and is available.

      7. FHWA-NOAA Partnering – Based on the results of the two previous efforts, as well as a previous report that documented weather requirements of road users, FHWA is building its partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  An FHWA-NOAA Partnering Plan has been drafted to define near- and long-term initiatives, and work is underway to begin conducting some of the most promising near-term projects (e.g., a training CD on making the most of National Weather Service products, proof-of-concept of collecting road weather data from a vehicle).  Work is also underway to establish a Memorandum of Understanding between FHWA and NOAA, which will serve as an umbrella under which this work will be conducted

    4. Special Events Traffic Management:  Program Manager, Laurie Radow (

      Special events are an important and recurring part of the operating environment that influences the performance and reliability of travel on the surface transportation system.  Planned special events have the potential to impact not only the people traveling to or providing services in support of the event, but also the normal traffic using the adjoining roadways.  The advanced planning, stakeholder coordination, proactive management control of traffic the day of an event is not a commonly accepted, understood, or a consistent practice.  Special events require service providers, event operators, and public agencies that normally don't work together, to plan, cooperate, and coordinate activities prior to, during, and after the event.  A number of projects are planned or underway to provide a solid foundation for practitioners related to the recommended practices with planning, coordinating, managing, and controlling traffic for planned special events:

      1. Cross-cutting Study - This study provides lessons learned related to planning, managing travel, and controlling traffic for large and small special events from case studies from around the country.  This study will be printed and promoted in the Spring of 2004.

      2. Handbook and Outreach Material - This technical reference, brochure, fact sheet and technical presentation will provide recommended guidance to assist practitioners that may be involved in, or responsible for, the planning and coordination for all planned special events within a region or specific individual events.  This activity is being developed in cooperation with the TMC Pooled-Fund Study and its members to gather, compile, and develop these products.  The electronic versions of these products will be posted on the web, distributed, and promoted in the Summer of 2004.

      3. NHI training course - The development of a one-day overview course and two-day workshop on managing travel for planned special events was initiated in the Fall of 2003.  This course will be developed and available for presentation in the spring of 2005.

      4. National Conference - FHWA, AASHTO, TRB, ITE, ITS America, and other key national interests are planning to host a national conference on planned special events to be held December 1-3, 2004, in New Orleans, LA.  The purpose of this conference will be to raise the awareness as to the importance and need to improve how public agencies plan, coordinate, proactively manage travel, and control traffic for planned special events.  This conference will focus on lessons learned and how public agencies can improve the planning, coordination, and proactive management of travel for one specific event or for all planned special events with in a region.  The conference planning team has released a Call for Presentations (due by June 1, 2004) and is planning the conference program. Registration for the conference began on August 1, 2004.


    1. Arterial Management:  Program Manager, Pam Crenshaw (

      1. Case Studies For Regional Traffic Signal Timing - Numerous areas throughout the country are benefiting from traffic signal coordination within its own communities and increasingly across jurisdictional boundaries into neighboring communities.  Experience shows that interconnecting traffic signals and optimizing the traffic signal timing can result in travel time reductions ranging from 8-25 percent along a corridor or arterial.  The most important factor in achieving coordination across jurisdictional boundaries is cooperation and communication among agencies.  The greatest achievement of cross-jurisdictional coordination of traffic signal timing is when it is performed for a region.  There are State DOTs, MPOs, and other transportation organizations that have in the past or are currently developing regional traffic signal timing programs.  The intent of this task is to develop case studies on the successes and struggles of theses programs and to provide FHWA Office of Operations with case studies of regional traffic signal timing programs that can be provided to client agencies and transportation partners as a model, guide, or framework for establishing a successful program. Completion September 2004.

      2. Traffic Signal Timing On A Shoestring - This effort will explore and document the minimal amount of data collection and optimization that should be performed in a signal retiming project to acquire some appreciable benefits.  This is aimed at jurisdiction or municipalities that cannot afford to perform full- blown data collection and analysis studies. Completion September 2004

      3. ITS in Small Communities Workshop - This workshop will help small communities consider all of the various ITS Systems and how to apply them to address their particular needs. This will encourage the deployment of ITS in rural areas that are critical to the nationwide network. This course will be completed by April 2005.

      4. Data Collection/ Management Techniques and Procedures -This initiative will develop a methodology for getting quality data from a "short count", or partial count and determining the critical intersections for traffic counts.  Also the current technology will be assessed and compiled into a data management guideline. Completion October 2004.

      5. Traffic Detector Handbook Course CD Rom - This CD course will be designed to provide general visual information and knowledge about traffic detectors and will follow the Handbook.  This video will instruct traffic engineering practitioner, technicians and repair personnel in the theory, application and current evolution of traffic detectors, also the process of installing, repairing and replacing inductive loop detectors. Completion November 2004

      6. Traffic Control Systems Handbook - The Traffic Control Systems Handbook is in the process of a comprehensive revision to reflect the changes in technology and it's associated standards, the state of the practice, and recent FHWA requirements.  This updated version will continue to help users understand the basic elements of traffic control systems and serve as a basic reference for the practicing traffic engineer.  Draft handbook by December 2003. Completed handbook by December 2004.

      7. Communications for Traffic Control Systems Handbook -The Communications for Traffic Control Systems Handbook is being updated to reflect the significant changes in communication technology that has occurred since the last update in 1993.  The updated handbook will be a reference manual to assist practitioners with addressing the various technology issues associated with the development of a communication system to support traffic operations.  Completion by September 2004.

      8. Computerized Traffic Signal Systems Course Primer - This primer will consolidate the information contained in the Computerized Traffic Signal Systems Course NHI #133010.  This primer will explain the Systems Engineering Process and how it relates to the planning, design, implementation, operation and management of signal systems. Completed February 2004.

      9. Develop Traffic Signal Design Course NHI #133028 - This course provides participants with skills to evaluate the process by which signal control projects are developed, designed, implemented, maintained and operated.  This course addresses the application of the manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to intersection displays, as well as signal timing, computerized traffic signal systems, control strategies, integrated systems, traffic control simulation and optimization software.  Completion by September 2004.

      10. Small Communities Handbook and Video - This handbook will be developed to deliver traffic management strategies related to small communities and rural region's traffic management systems.  Within the handbook, systems that apply various ITS components for ATMS and ATIS to appropriate categories of traffic and network characteristics will be covered.  Other topics covered will be, integrated and isolated traffic signals, small traffic signal systems, traffic management systems for seasonal and episodic events, and the communication systems that maybe applicable for incident, emergency and disaster management. Available October 2004. This video will provide visual information and highlight the progressive and innovative practices documented in the Small Communities Traffic Management Benefits Study.  A range of small communities of various sizes and populations will be highlighted in order to capture the unique aspects of each.  Available October 2004.

      11. Assessment of the State-of-the-Practice In Low Cost Traffic Engineering Improvements (Primer) - This effort will assess the low cost strategies and programs being utilized by local agencies to manage their arterials.  This will include considering traffic signalization, signal hardware and software, signing, markings, and geometric design and construction.  Outreach efforts to follow may consist of short-term support to help jurisdictions keep their signals re-timed on a cyclical basis, training jurisdictions on the tools available to help with arterial management, or the issuance of guidance documents. Available October 2004.

    2. Corridor Traffic Management: Program Manager, John Harding (

      Integrated Corridor Management involves the coordination of transportation management techniques between facilities in a corridor that together can collectively address congestion and improve overall corridor performance.  Transportation corridors are usually characterized by a system of heavily traveled parallel transportation facilities that link major activity centers.  Each of the facilities provides an alternative means of mobility between origins and destinations throughout the corridor.  Each of the facilities is usually operated in isolation except for pseudo coordination at facility junctions.  This lack of coordinated operations between facilities prevents effective use of the combination of these facilities to address day-to-day congestion and congestion caused by work zones, incidents, weather, and special events.  A coordinated effort between facilities along a corridor can effectively manage the total capacity of a corridor and increase corridor trip reliability.

      1. Integrated Corridor Management Program Plan and Road Map – Initial program plans and road maps has been developed for traffic and transit aspects of integrated corridor management.  Work is being done to integrate the separate aspects into one comprehensive plan and roadmap.  The essence of the integrated program will be to support the advancement and implementation of Integrated Corridor Management practices and activities.  The program plan will identify what activities and investigations are needed to advance our understanding of how transportation management practices, systems, and processes can be linked to provide Integrated Corridor Management capabilities.  The program plan will base the identification of activities by identifying the obstacles to Corridor Management and what is required to overcome the obstacles.  In simple terms it is envisioned that Integrated Corridor Management will require organizational integration, technical integration, operational integration, and transportation integration.  The first three integration areas focus on specific aspect that support implementation of Integrated Corridor Management where the last area will focus on bringing the pieces together and promoting the implementation of Integrated Corridor Management.

    3. Freeway Management:  Program Manager, John Halkias (

      Freeway systems consist of a complex collection of interdependent roadway infrastructure elements, facilities, traffic management centers (TMCs), operational strategies, service providers, and modes.  Freeway traffic management involves the practice of combining personnel, operational strategies, advanced technologies, TMCs, and other techniques to proactively manage travel and control traffic on freeway facilities.  It provides agencies with the ability to monitor roadway conditions, control traffic, identify recurring and non- recurring bottlenecks, detect and verify incidents, implement traffic management strategies, control traffic, and provide travel conditions information to motorists.  The proactive use of freeway management strategies attempts to keep traffic congestion from occurring in the first place, by balancing travel demand with the available roadway capacity and when it does occur, attempts to minimize the duration and extent of congestion.  The initiatives of the freeway management program focus on: 1) freeway operations and traffic management; 2) traffic management centers (TMCs); 3) managed lanes, and 4) HOV facilities.

      Freeway Management & Traffic Operations Initiative:

      1. Freeway Management & Operations Training Course, NHI Course #13375 -The purpose of this training course is to provide participants with a general appreciation and understanding of the key policies, challenges and barriers, institutional issues, technical and other issues to consider in the planning, design, implementation, management, operation, evaluation, and marketing of freeway facilities.  The pilot presentation for this course will be held in May and available for presentation in the fall of 2004.

      2. Freeway Management and Control Handbook – This technical reference will provide guidance and recommended practices on managing and controlling traffic on freeway ramps that are intended to enhance the use of and effectiveness of various ramp management and control strategies and techniques, leading to an improved understanding of ramp traffic flow and its impacts on freeway operations.  It will also present the impacts that roadway improvement planning, designs, roadway and traffic monitoring, real-time operation, evaluation, and reporting have on the performance and management of traffic at freeway ramps.  The annotated outline will be completed in June with the draft handbook being available for review in December of 2005.

        Managed Lanes Initiative:

      1. Managed Lane Cross Cutting Study and Primer – Managed lanes are freeway facilities where one or more operational strategies are proactively used to maintain free-flow conditions on a specific lane or set of lanes.  Managed lanes address mobility, safety, and financial objectives and can significantly improve the performance of freeway facilities. However a number of issues critical to advancing managed lanes require greater understanding (e.g., legislative authority, demand forecasting, revenue use, design, management, traffic management and operation).  The following projects will be completed or initiated in 2004 to raise the awareness and understanding of the benefits and potential of various managed lane strategies.

        • Managed Lane Cross Cutting Study summarizing the current practices, trends, lessons learned, gaps in practice, and research needs based on experiences from leading agencies from around the country will be promoted in June of 2004.

        • Managed Lanes Primer identifying for senior managers the key challenges, opportunities and benefits to be aware of will be promoted in June of 2004.

      2. Managed Lanes Traffic Control & Signing – The purpose of this project is to advance the understanding of the traffic management and signing issues, challenges, innovative techniques that are being utilized, gaps in practice, and research that is needed on traffic control and signing related issues to support the proactive management and operation of various managed lane operational strategies.

        • Managed Lanes Case Study Reports - summarizing the lessons learned related to the proactive management and operation of specific managed lane operational strategies will be completed in the fall of 2004.

        • Managed Lanes Traffic Control & Signing Study - summarizing the current practices, trends, lessons learned, gaps in practice, and research needs based on experiences from leading agencies from around the country will be completed in the fall of 2004.

    4. Traffic Management Center (TMC) Initiative:

      1. Configuration Management for Transportation Management Systems, NHI Course #137042: The purpose of this course is to demonstrate the benefits, its role, and how configuration management supports the development and operation of transportation management systems.  This course is designed for individuals engaged with or responsible for the planning, design, implementation, management, operation or maintenance of transportation management systems.  Details and how to schedule this course (available in the summer of 2004) can be accessed at:

      2. Changeable Message Sign (CMS) Projects:

        • Color & Animation Research: Project will synthesize current literature, research completed, lessons learned related to the impacts of color and animation with displaying messages on CMSs.  This project will also assess future trends and possible impacts of advancements in CMS technologies and the type of messages that could be displayed.  It will also identify potential recommended revisions on the use of color and animation in displaying messages on CMS in the MUTCD, priorities for testing, and work plan to perform and evaluate these tests.  The target date for completion is the summer of 2004.

        •  Dynamic Features of CMS:  This TMC Pooled-Fund Study funded and led project will assess the impacts of dynamically displaying messages on CMSs, identify possible revisions to the MUTCD, and provide guidance on developing and displaying flashing messages.  The target completion date is the fall of 2005. 

      3. Testing and Acceptance Plans and Procedures -  The purpose of this project is to provide guidance and recommended practices how to integrate and successfully utilize testing and acceptance plans and procedures for TMCs.  Guidance and directions being addressed in this handbook will allow people who are involved in or responsible for planning, building, operating and evaluating the TMS to ensure the desired operations of systems by performing proper tests and acceptance procedures.  The target completion date is the summer of 2005.

      4. Migration Plans and Procedures for TMCs -  Migration is the process of replacing or augmenting existing systems and system components.  This handbook will address the full range of TMC Migration activities including implementing a new TMC, upgrading all or portions of system software, upgrading telecommunications equipment, and other migration activities related to the systems, software, and field services that support a TMC's operation.  The purpose of this project is to provide guidance and recommended practices related to the plans and procedures for managing the migration of transportation management systems.  The target completion date is the summer of 2005.

      5. TMC Pooled Fund Study (PFS) - The TMC PFS is to a forum to identify and address issues that are common among public agencies.  The goal is to assemble regional, state, local agencies, and FHWA to identify issues, suggest, select, and initiate projects and initiatives to address these issues.  Agencies are encouraged to join now, to participate with the 28 current members in the activities of the TMC PFS for 2004.  The latest information and fifteen projects that have been initiated or completed over the past five years can be accessed at:

        The following are the current projects:

        • TMC Operations Concept:  This TMC PFS sponsored and led project will develop a handbook, primer and brochure that provide guidance and recommended practices on the need for, how to develop, and use a concept of operations throughout a TMCs life cycle.  This project is targeted to be completion in the first quarter of 2005.  The latest project information is available at:

        • TMC Operator Requirements & Position Descriptions – Phase 2:  This TMC PFS sponsored and led project will revise the draft technical document produced in phase 1 and develop an enhanced software product.  The purpose of this tool is to allow public agencies to develop operator requirements; tasks; knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA's), and position descriptions based on the current or planned market packages or functions supported by their TMC.  This project is targeted to be completion in the fall of 2004.  The latest project information is available at:

        • TMC Business Planning and Plans:  This TMC PFS sponsored and led project will develop a technical document and primer providing guidance and recommended practices on the need for, how to develop, outlines various processes, identify types of business plans, supporting management systems, and use of business planning processes for TMCs.  This project will also address various business planning models that have been successfully employed by transportation agencies to ensure the long-term sustainability of applications similar to TMCs.  This project is targeted to be completion in the first quarter of 2005.  The latest project information is available at:

      6. Information on the projects that will be initiated in the summer of 2004 can be accessed at:

        • TMC Operations Manual

        • TMC Performance Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Handbook

        • Estimating TMC Staffing & Resource Needs

        • TMC Workshop Development & Proposal for Delivery

        • TMC Clearinghouse Development & Initiation

      HOV Lanes Initiative:

      1. HOV Training Course, NHI Course #13375 - The purpose of this course is to provide participants with a general appreciation and understanding of the key policies, institutional issues, challenges and barriers, technical, and other issues to consider in the planning, design, implementation, management, operation, evaluation, and marketing of HOV facilities.  This course is targeted at a wide range of individuals who may be responsible for or involved in activities that influence the HOV program, system, facility, or specific support services.  This course will be available for presentation in the first quarter of 2005.

      2. HOV Pooled Fund Study (PFS) - This study provides a forum to identify and address the key issues and challenges that are common among agencies.  The goal is to assemble regional, state, and local agencies, transportation service providers, and FHWA to identify, propose, prioritize, and initiate projects and initiatives to address these challenges.  The HOV PFS will focus on the critical program, policy, technical, and other issues that arise throughout the life cycle of an HOV facility.  Current HOV PFS information can be accessed at  Agencies are encouraged to join the nine current members, to initiate the following projects selected to be initiated in addition to the new projects to be selected in 2004:

        • HOV Enforcement:  Project will develop a technical reference, primer, and brochure that provide guidance, recommended practices, and lessons learned on how to successfully enforce HOV lanes, integrate these needs in the design of HOV facilities and HOV program.  The target completion date is the spring of 2005.

        • Safety Considerations of HOV Facilities:  Project will develop a technical reference, primer, and brochure that provide guidance and best practices on the key issues, considerations, and potential impacts on safety related to various HOV facility issues.  These factors and considerations may include: roadway design features (e.g., facility type, shoulder widths, and types of ingress/egress), transit facilities, enforcement area and traffic incident management provisions, or signing or pavement marking.  The target completion date is the spring of 2005.

        • HOV Performance Monitoring, Evaluation, & Reporting:  Project will develop a technical reference, primer, & brochure providing guidance and best practices with monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on HOV system performance.  These products are intended to foster improvements in the planning, design, management and operation of HOV facilities and support services.  The target completion date is the spring of 2005.

        • HOV Hours of Operation and Eligibility Requirements:  Project will develop a technical reference, primer, and brochure that provide guidance and best practices on how to evaluate the benefits and potential impacts with making potential modifications in the hours of operation and or vehicles that are allowed to use different HOV facilities.  This project will address specific trade-offs with setting and changing eligibility requirements and operating periods along with the supporting methodologies, process, tools, and techniques to support the analysis of these issues.  The target completion date is the spring of 2005.

    5. Travel Demand Management:  Program Manager, Wayne Berman (

      1. TDM Reference Guide – Update - The objective of this project is to update the 1993 Reference Guide based upon a new "operations–oriented" model for TDM in a contemporary environment.  The updated Reference Guide shall contain two principal sections – one to address TDM for commute trips and one to address TDM for non-commute trips.  Each section will be developed based on five to ten case examples that illustrate contemporary enablers of TDM, such as information, technology, and financial incentives.  A draft of the Reference Guide was prepared at the end of December 2003, with a final guide to be ready by September 2004.

      2. Managing Demand Through Traveler Information Services: The objectives of this project are 1.)  To compile existing information on how, where, and under what circumstances traveler information services are affecting or managing demand and 2.) To package the information compiled into a colorful, easy-to-read, 25-page brochure. The brochure shall highlight the opportunities and benefits for using traveler information services to manage demand during periods of recurring and non-recurring congestion, including special events and emergencies.  The project got started on October 1, 2003 and is to be completed by September 2004.

      3. Commuter Choice Primer - The new publication entitled Commuter Choice Primer – An Employer's Guide to Implementing Effective Commuter Choice Programs has been prepared and distributed.  The Primer is intended to be a concise, user-friendly reference guide for employers and transportation professionals to developing and implementing worksite commuter choice programs. This document can be accessed at A digital tool called the Commuter Choice Decision Support System ( is packaged with the Primer to enable an employer to actually develop and test out a various commuter choice programs that fit their situation.  The Primer is supportive of an ongoing joint initiative by the FHWA, the FTA, and the EPA to promote government-business partnerships that enhance commuting options and opportunities for employees.


    1. A. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices: Program Manager, Ernie Huckaby (

      1. MUTCD has been updated and issued as a new 2003 edition in a final rule published in a November 20, 2003 Federal Register notice.  Significant items contained in the final rule include:

        1. Interim approval process to get new traffic control devices implemented sooner.
        2. Fluorescent pink color (optional) for Incident Management signs
        3. More guidance on HOV Lane signing and signing on surface roadways approaching freeway interchanges
        4. Advance street name sign standards/guidance & larger legend size for overhead & high-speed road street name signs
        5. Countdown Pedestrian signals & revised pedestrian clearance time calculation  guidance
        6. Pedestrian & disabled accessibility in work zones
        7. In-street pedestrian and school crossing signs

      2. The 2003 MUTCD Revision 1 was published in the Federal register May 10, 2004. This is an interim final rule that revises the 2003 edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) to permit the use of Specific Service and General Service signing to assist motorists in locating licensed 24-hour pharmacy services open to the public.

      3. Traffic Control Devices Pooled Fund Study - The experimentation process for updating the MUTCD is time-consuming and involves evaluation reports.  The experimental process has been used by jurisdictions as a mechanism for on-road testing and evaluation of innovative traffic control devices.  FHWA has established a pooled fund study for traffic control devices that is intended to provide a quicker way to assess low risk new traffic control devices and applications.  FHWA, two local jurisdictions and 14 states have committed funds to participate on the pooled fund panel. The panel has selected four projects this year, which are:

        • Navigation signing for Roundabouts
        • Pavement markings for speed reduction
        • Color for Transponder controlled tollbooth lanes
        • Countdown pedestrian signal enhancements

    2. Operations Asset Management - Program Manager, John Harding (

      1. Linkages between Operations and Asset Management – Current activity has focused on investigating linkages between the philosophy of asset management and the deployment and management of operational assets.  To establish a baseline for discussion, a paper has been completed that explores the linkages between operations and asset management.  In addition to and included in the paper, a high level categorized list of operational assets has been produced to assist in framing the scope of any operations-asset management relationships.  This information was used to develop an operations asset management program plan and roadmap. We are also coordinated with The Office of Asset Management to further understand these linkages and participated in a FHWA Asset Management Workshops on May 19th 2004.  A series of papers were developed for the workshop that explored the relationships between asset management and each of the FHWA's major program areas.  The paper for Operations Asset Management used the initial white paper and the initial program plan to further define the relationship between operations and transportation asset management and support discussion of relationships across major program areas.  The initial program plan was presented and discussed at the workshop.

      2. Investigation of Signal System Assets Management Methodology and Process Elements – The State-of-the-Practice report for Signal System Asset Management has been completed and is waiting for final agency approval to be posted on the Office of Operations web site The State-of-the-Practice report identifies and assesses how the physical, system, and human resource assets that generically comprise a typical signal system are currently managed.  The State-of-the-Practice report is the first of a series of analyses and reports being conducted to better understand operations asset management and its relationship to operations assets.  Other analyses are being conducted to identify policy guidelines, data needs, performance measures, and the analytical tools needed to manage the assets of a signal system and produce the information necessary to support asset management decision-making.  Preliminary analysis will also be conducted on the benefits of a signal system asset management approach.  This preliminary analysis will include the development of theoretical alternative signal system investment plans that range from conservative to aggressive, what the risks and trade-off are between plans, and indicate what level of signal system benefits each investment strategy may yield.  Results from this project will provide information need to further determine overall program needs and direction.

      3. Operations Asset Management Program Plan and Road Map – An initial program plan and road map has been developed. The Operations Asset Management Program is structured to establish and promote the implementation of Operations Asset Management practices.  Implementation of Operations Asset Management practices will lead to the inclusion of operations asset resource allocation needs in a coordinated Transportation Asset Management (TAM) process.  The overall goal of the program is to provide the necessary resources operations professionals need to establish Operations Asset Management as a way of conducting business in their organizations.  For these operations professionals to be successful, we need to provide them with analytical tools, procedures, processes, policies, and an overall system methodology of how Operations Asset Management relates to and is integral to Transportation Asset Management (TAM) and system performance.  We need to show how Operations Asset Management linked to TAM will enable them to identify and quantify for decision-makers the resources they need to increase the performance of the operational aspects of the system, and the entire transportation system.  To provide operations professionals with the resources they need to implement Operations Asset Management, the program has been divided into 3 interconnected research areas which are 1.) Establishment of An Analytical Foundation, 2.) Creation of Operations Asset Management and Linkages to TAM, and 3.) Institutionalization of Operations Asset Management.

    3. Real Time Traveler Information - Program Manager, Bob Rupert (

      1. ATIS/511 Guidance, Lessons Learned, and Technical Assistance – This activity provides a means to share information with others that may be planning to develop traveler information systems. The information is gathered from locations that are deploying 511 and other traveler information services. The activity includes coordination and cooperation with the 511 Deployment Coalition and its members to gather, process, and disseminate the information.  The 511 Deployment Coalition, FHWA and FTA are also cooperating to provide outreach and assistance to metropolitan areas identified for focused attention to encourage and assist the implementation of 511 services in their regions, to help reach the goal of 50% of the country's population having access to 511.  The seven Deployment Assistance Reports and version 2.0 of the 511 Guidelines are available on Resource 511 (, the website for the 511 Deployment Coalition.  The website also includes status and contact information for the 21 systems in operation in 20 States as of June 2004.

      2. AMBER Alert Guidance, Support and Implementation Program - This activity includes the AMBER Alert Plan Assistance Program and the AMBER Plan Implementation Assistance Program.  The Plan Assistance Program provided up to $125,000 to States to help them determine how transportation agency resources can best be used when child abduction alerts are issued by law enforcement agencies, including looking at enhancements to the communications between law enforcement and transportation agencies, and as of July 2004, a total of $5,009,520 in grants had been provided covering 40 States and the District of Columbia.  The Implementation Assistance Program provides up to $400,000 to States for implementing motorist information systems to notify motorists when child abduction alerts are issued, and as of July 2004, a total of $6,376,000 in grants had been provided to 16 States.  This activity will also develop guidance and information about best practices for transportation agencies when issuing child abduction alert messages.  This guidance is based upon the experiences and lessons learned by agencies that have been involved in providing child abduction alert messages, and on sound engineering practices in crafting messages for display by roadside equipment. The guidance report is available from the Operations website at

      3. Synthesis of Practice on Posting Travel Time Information on CMS – This activity will gather information from agencies that are providing travel time information on changeable message signs, and produce a report on the impacts of that travel time information on the transportation networks.  A guidance report (also referenced above regarding AMBER Alert messages) includes information, experiences, and policies from agencies about their decisions to provide travel time information and the challenges they encountered, as well as draw from external activities such as the Travel Time Workshop held in conjunction with the 2003 Annual Meeting of ITS America.  This activity will also produce a more technical synthesis report on the data collection and processing techniques used by agencies in providing travel time messages.  The initial guidance report is available from the Operations website at

      4. Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Program (ITIP) - Program Manager, Chung Eng ( This ongoing program is designed to enhance regional surveillance and traffic management capabilities in up to 21 metropolitan areas while developing an ability to measure operating performance and expanding traveler information through public/private partnerships.  Deployment has been completed in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago and Providence. Implementation is currently underway in Boston, Tampa, San Diego, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, and Phoenix, and is imminent in San Francisco. Negotiations are currently active in 10 additional cities.

      5. iFlorida Model Deployment - The iFlorida model deployment will demonstrate and evaluate how the safety, security and reliability of the surface transportation system can be enhanced through the widespread availability of real-time information.  The project was awarded May 1, 2003.  The iFlorida Concept of Operations, System Requirements, and Deployment Plan have been completed.  The documents, as well as other project information, can be found on the iFlorida website at  The iFlorida documents are also posted on the ITS Electronic Document Library (EDL).  Major activities that occurred during this period:

        • Central Florida Field Components:  Traffic Control Devices, working under the $6 million design build contract that was awarded in August 2003, finished the field hardware design and construction is now underway.  Deployment and testing of the field hardware components is scheduled to be completed in December 2004.

        • iFlorida Conditions System:  The conditions system is an Internet-based information management tool that will collect, fuse, and disseminate highway-related information throughout the state of Florida, as well as more detailed, multi-modal conditions information for the Central Florida region.  In December 2003, Florida DOT selected Castle Rock Consultants to develop the iFlorida Conditions System, which will further enhance the Condition Acquisition and Reporting System (CARS) currently used by a consortium of 12 states.  The initial statewide CARS system is being tested at the Regional Traffic Management Center in Orlando.  The intent is to get the system out to the users as soon as possible in order to incorporate their feedback into the development process.

        • Weather:  The University of North Florida (UNF) will be designing, procuring and installing 10 Road Weather Information System stations in Central Florida along with 4 wind sensors on bridges.  The system design and location selections are currently underway, and procurement is expected to begin late this summer.  Related to the UNF deployment of weather sensors, a contract with Meteorlogix will develop a weather prediction model for current conditions and forecasts for over 100 road segments in Central Florida.  The model and software development are expected to be ready for testing this fall.

        • The national evaluation of iFlorida is proceeding at the same pace as the model deployment itself.  The Evaluation Plan, which was postponed in order to capture the last of the major procurements, is due for release in July.  A Design Review document that assesses the iFlorida approach to the SEP and contracting will be made available later this summer.  Briefings with iFlorida staff and with FHWA staff will be scheduled, possibly in September.

        For more information on the iFlorida model deployment, contact Toni Wilbur at

    4. D. Traffic Analysis Tools - Program Manager, John Halkias (

      1. Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) Core Algorithms and Data Sets – This effort is to develop a core of open behavioral algorithms in support of traffic simulation with supporting documentation and validation data sets that describe the interactions of multi-modal travelers, vehicles and highway systems.  These products will be openly distributed and made freely available to the broad transportation community.  For more information, please visit the NGSIM website at

      2. Traffic Analysis Tool Primer - An overview of traffic analysis tools.  The report will be available in Fall, 2004 through the website at

      3. Decision Support Methodology for Selecting Traffic Analysis Tools – This is an on-going project to assist traffic engineers and traffic operations professionals in the selection of the correct type of traffic analysis tool for operational improvements.  In addition, this document will assist in creating analytical consistency and uniformity across State Departments of Transportation and Federal/regional/local transportation agencies. The report will be available in Fall, 2004 through the website at

      4. Guidelines for Applying Traffic Micro-simulation Modeling Software – These guidelines are designed to provide practitioners with guidance on the appropriate application of micro-simulation models to the estimation of traffic performance for freeways, highways, rural roads, and city streets.  These guidelines will aid practitioners in the development, calibration, and application of micro-simulation models.  The report will be available in Fall, 2004 through the website at

      5. CORSIM Application Guidelines – These are CORSIM-specific application guidelines that describe the proper use of the CORSIM tool in analyzing real-world transportation problems.  These guidelines will build upon the generic FHWA simulation guidelines as a framework and add CORSIM-specific guidance.  In addition, these guidelines will aid the CORSIM user in applying the software to more "advanced" problem applications.  The report will be available Spring, 2005 through the website at

      6. Traffic Analysis Tools Case Studies: Benefits and Applications – These case studies will serve to document real-world applications of the various available tools, and will address topics such as the rationale for selecting the particular analysis procedure(s) employed, the manner in which each tool was applied, the specific benefits achieved, and possibly even the significant pitfalls that were encountered.  The report will be available late Spring, 2005 through the website at

      7. DYNASMART-P – represents a new generation of tools to support transportation network planning and operations decisions in the ITS and non-ITS environments.  It combines dynamic network assignment models with traffic simulation models.  DYNASMART-P will be packaged with DSPED (the Network Editor) and will be released to the public through McTrans Center in Summer, 2004.

      8. Dynamic Traffic Assignment - The FHWA R&D initiated a Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) research project to develop advanced network-wide traffic models to address complex traffic control and management issues in the information-based, dynamic ITS environment. Under this project, two prototypes of Traffic Estimation and Prediction System (TrEPS) for real time traffic management and two prototypes for offline Operations Planning (TrEPS-P) were developed.  All prototypes can be used for corridor traffic management analyses, both online and offline analyses.  The two TrEPS prototypes are being field-tested and one of the TrEPS-P prototypes, DYNASMART-P, will be released to the public in Summer 2004.


    1. Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination (RTOCC) Primer - This Primer was printed and distributed to introduce the concepts and guiding principles for Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination. A 2-hour Executive Session on this material was prepared and presented to various associations represented local, State, and regional elected and appointed officials.  Three sessions were presented in FY 2003 and more are planned for FY 2004.

      1. Demonstration projects on "Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination" –  Funding is planned in FY 2004 for demonstration projects in two cities to serve as laboratories to develop and showcase Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination.  A strategy and selection criteria are being developed to have one demonstration project be centered within an MPO and the other demonstration project be centered within a State or local operating agency.

      2. Regional Planning for Operations Training Course - This course is intended to provide instruction on concepts, principles, and experiences of Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination.  It is intended primarily for professionals with day-to-day experience in management and operations in both transportation and public safety communities. A pilot course and a train-the-trainer session will be delivered in 2004.

      3. Regional Transportation Concept for Operations – Following a successful TRB policy study in FY 2003, guidance is planned to define a Regional Transportation Concept for Operations, articulate the benefit and importance of it, and identify the steps necessary to make it an accepted and valued action for transportation operators and public safety managers in metropolitan areas. The guidance is to be initiated in late 2004.

      4. Linking Planning and Operations – Development of guidance, with best practices, on Linking Planning and Operations is underway and planned for completion by the end of FY 2004.  The guidance will be used to support Planning Factor Number 6 in the Urban Transportation Planning regulations.  This is a joint project between the FHWA Office of Operations and the Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty.

    2. Performance Measurement: Program Manager Dale Thompson  (

      1. Mobility Monitoring Program - FHWA is working closely with TTI to develop and calculate area wide, travel-time based performance measures using archived data from freeway management systems in 23 metropolitan areas.  This program which acquires archived data from ITS and traffic management centers will add 5-8 more cities to its base of 23 cities during FY 04 and will produce a third year of reporting from existing sites.  Visit the mobility monitoring program web site at

      2. Monthly Urban Congestion Reporting - This on-going program acquires travel time data from web sites in 10 metropolitan areas and uses it to calculate key travel time reliability performance measures.  Real-time congestion data is acquired daily and monthly congestion measures are reported.  Annual trend data is being reported for participating cities with available data.

      3. Developing reliability measure outreach materials - This on-going program develops materials for an outreach campaign to advance the state of the practice in travel time reliability performance measurement and to broaden acceptance of its use by public agencies.  As part of the Performance Measurement program, a travel time reliability communications plan has been developed and an outreach campaign will begin in FY2004.

      4. FHWA National State of Congestion Report – FHWA will publish and distribute the first annual FHWA National State of Congestion Report in FY2004.  The report will be a companion document released in conjunction with the Texas Transportation Institute's Urban Mobility Study that focuses on congestion at the state and metropolitan levels.

      5. Sources of Congestion Study – This study will help to build a more thorough understanding of the causes of congestion and to identify targeted strategies to mitigate those sources of congestion.

      6. Operations Performance Measurement Development – Activities will begin in FY2004 and will focus on assessing current practices in operations performance measurement identifying candidate measures for the following program areas:  traffic incident management, work zones, weather management, and freight.

    3. Facilitating Integrated ITS Deployment

      Regional ITS Architecture Implementation - Program Manager, Pam Kordenbrock; (

      All regions that have used, or are planning to use Federal funds from the Highway Trust Fund (including the Mass Transit Account) for ITS projects, must develop a regional ITS architecture by April 8, 2005.  Until a regional ITS architecture is in place, all major ITS projects must have a project level architecture to ensure proper consideration of regional integration. All ITS projects must be developed using a systems engineering process.  Elements of this process include: concept of operations, functional requirements, identification of agencies and roles, identification of applicable standards, alternative analysis, procurement options, and system operations and management.

      1. ITS Architecture Training and Technical Assistance Program - FHWA continues to sponsor a variety of training and technical assistance activities designed to assist States and metropolitan areas develop and implement effective ITS architectures.  For FY05, this effort will focus more on use and maintenance of completed regional architectures, and systems engineering.  For instance, a one-day facilitated session entitled Using Your Regional ITS Architecture" that describes which elements of the regional ITS architecture apply to a region's transportation planning process and ITS project development process, is now available through the FHWA Division offices.  Best practices on regional ITS architectures are currently available on the architecture conformity website (

      2. Regional ITS Architecture Guidance – Version 1.0 of this document has been completed and distributed. This guidance document is the basis for the Regional ITS Architecture Process Workshop (2-days long) and the Architecture Process Seminar (1-day long) that are being conducted around the country.  All sessions of the regional ITS architecture workshop and seminar are offered tuition-free to participants, and are scheduled through the FHWA Division Offices.  Visit the ITS web site ( for further information.  Now available is the "Regional ITS Architecture Maintenance White Paper" (EDL # 13957) which provides guidance on what should be contained in a regional ITS architecture maintenance plan and on the configuration management and process of maintaining a regional ITS architecture.

      ITS Standards Deployment – Program Manager, Tom Stout;

      The ITS Standards Program is working toward the widespread use of standards to encourage the interoperability of ITS systems and interchangeability of devices.  The Standards Program is maturing from a primarily standards development program to a standards implementation program by rapidly moving into standards implementation support. Such support includes helping to build credibility in the standards through testing and case studies, providing standards resource information, supporting training and technical assistance to deployers, developing deployment experience-based guidance such as "lessons learned," and assessing the readiness of standards for deployment.

      1. Overview and Introductory Courses

        • ITS Standards Overview - A one-day overview of ITS standards, intended for transportation professionals and policy makers involved in ITS deployment;

        • Center-to-Center Communications and Traffic Management Data Dictionary - A one-day introduction to the use of DATEX or CORBA to exchange data among ITS centers. Also includes an introduction to the Traffic Management Data Dictionary;

        • Dynamic Message Signs - A one-day introduction to the use of the NTCIP standard for dynamic message signs and other NTCIP standards, for deployers and designers of traffic control and management systems;

        • Actuated Traffic Signals - A one-day introduction to the use of standards for transportation professionals who are deploying traffic control and management systems using actuated traffic signal controllers.

      2. Advanced Training

        • DMS Procurement Workshop, Version 2 - Development of Version 2 of the DMS Procurement Workshop with version 2 of the Guide is expected to be completed in Fall, 2004.

        • Environmental Sensor Station (ESS) Specification Guide and Training Module - Developing the ESS Guide and the training module, target completion date, Fall 2004

      3. Technical Assistance (IQC) - The Federal Highway Administration has established an ITS Standards Field Support Team (SFST).  This Team is composed of FHWA and supported by Private Sector Specialists who are prepared to provide short-term, on-call assistance in the area of ITS Standards.  The goal of the Team is to support and facilitate the deployment of Intelligent Transportation Systems that advance National and Local Needs while implementing ITS Standards.

      Systems Engineering

      Transportation professionals must take a "systems approach" to planning, implementation, and operations in order to ensure that the full effectiveness of ITS technologies will be realized, with individual deployments connected to a meaningful network.  The clear requirement within the Final Rule/Final Policy is that all ITS projects must be developed using a systems engineering process.  Currently, information on and assistance with systems engineering is available and included in the Architecture Implementation program.  The following training courses are available through NHI (  More systems engineering resources and technical assistance will be developed and offered beginning in FY05.

      1. Systems Engineering Training Series

        • Introduction to Systems Engineering

        • Applied Systems Engineering for Adv. Transportation Projects

        • Managing High Technology Projects in Transportation

        • ITS Procurement/ITS Software Acquisition

        • Configuration Management for Traffic Management Systems

        • Regional Planning for Operations

        • Recommended Practices for Operations of Advanced Transportation Systems

      2. ITS Systems Engineering Guidance – The following documents are available through the EDL and on the Architecture Conformity area of the ITS website (, however several other are under development.

        • "Building Quality Intelligent Transportation Systems Through Systems Engineering" (EDL # 13620) - Introduces the topic of systems engineering to managers and staff working on transportation systems projects, with particular emphasis on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects.

        • "Developing Functional Requirements for ITS Projects" (EDL #13621) – Discusses the value and importance of good functional requirements, particularly focused on ITS projects, as part of an overall systems engineering development process.

        • "A Guide to Configuration Management for Intelligent Transportation Systems" (EDL #13622) – Discusses the configuration management process as a way to manage change and maintain consistency of performance and design of ITS projects.


    1. A. Freight Analysis

      1. Freight Analysis Framework  – Program Manager, Rolf Schmitt (

        FHWA's Office of Freight Management and Operations (HOFM) plans future enhancements to the Freight Analysis Framework (FAF), including new benchmarks to the 2002 Economic Census, provisional estimates of current freight flows, quality checks and enhancements, and links to policy models such as the Highway Economic Requirements System (HERS). A draft FAF plan was posted on the HOFM Web site for comments and has been revised.  A detailed design phase will be conducted through January 2005.

      2. Freight Travel Time – Program Manager, Rolf Schmitt (

        HOFM is developing performance measures for travel time in freight-significant corridors and at border crossings in conjunction with ATRI.  These travel-time measures will provide useful insights on intercity highway network performance.  Initial technology tests have been completed.  A meeting with interested State DOTs and others was held in Summer 2004.  Initial performance measures will be published in Fall 2004.

      3. Benefit/Cost of Freight - Program Manager, Rolf Schmitt (

        HOFM has completed initial research on improved methods for estimating the benefits to shippers and carriers arising from freight transportation investments.  Traditional benefit-cost analysis methods base the value of transportation investments on short-term cost savings to highway users.  This research suggests the value increases by approximately 15 percent when the productivity gains of longer-term adaptations of businesses to transportation improvements are taken into account. The theoretical framework and empirical analyses have been published in the recent HOFM report, Freight Transportation Improvements and the Economy, and incorporated in the Freight Chapter of FHWA's  2004 Condition and Performance Report.

      4. Freight Model Improvement Program - Program Manager, Rolf Schmitt, (

        In cooperation with the Office of Environment and Planning, HOFM is developing a Freight Model Improvement Program (FMIP).  Similar to the Travel Model Improvement Program, FMIP is intended to assess the state of the art and state of practice in freight forecasting and evaluation models, identify needs for short-term improvements and long-term research, and provide a forum in which the transportation community can improve both the state of the art and state of practice.

    2. Freight Professional Development (FPD) - Program Manager, Scott Johnson (

      In partnership with the Office of Planning and the Resource Center (Planning Team), the Office of Freight Management and Operations developed a 2-day National Highway Institute (NHI) course on "Integrating Freight into the Transportation Planning Process."  It is currently being delivered to over 20 States/regions.  Additional courses and workshops in development and scheduled for delivery in the Fall 2004 include Multi-modal Freight Forecasting, Engaging the Private Sector in Transportation Planning, and Freight Data Made Simple. The "Talking Freight" Seminar Series via web conference, co-sponsored with the Office of Planning, has been very successful and routinely draws about 125 participants per month. Additional seminars are being held throughout 2004.  A FPD brochure and Fact Sheets on training and technical assistance opportunities have been developed and distributed. A new FHWA Virtual Freight Team has been developed that leverages the technical talents of many of FHWA's Resource Center Technical Service Teams and will serve as a resource to develop and deliver freight training and assistance to our customers from a variety of functional areas including safety, finance, operations, planning, air quality and environment.  In addition, a new FHWA Freight Council was launched in June 2004 and is comprised of about 75 FHWA staff including 47 division offices.  The new Freight Council will help facilitate the sharing of information between FHWA units and support our ability to respond to our customers' freight-related needs.

    3. Freight Size and Weight

      1. Size & Weight Databases and Reporting Requirements - Program Manager, Bob Davis (  

        The databases are being updated with the latest information submitted by State DOTs.  The updated Measures of Activity Tables and Charts are being placed on the Truck Size and Weight web page. Historic databases enabling States to track reporting requirement trends are also being posted on the HOFM website.

      2. Training and Technical Assistance - Program Manager, Julie Strawhorn ( and Phil Forjan (

        HOFM Size and Weight will be offering training to State and FHWA Division staffs on the various requirements of the Size and Weight program.

      3. Electronic Documents - Program Manager, Bob Davis (Robert. and Phil Forjan (

        The HOFM Size and Weight Team is developing an automated system whereby the FHWA Division Offices and State DOTs will be able to develop and transmit the required program documents through a closed computer network. Anticipated delivery date is 2005.  Five States will be selected to participate in the pilot of this program, beginning in the first quarter of FY 2005.

    4. Intermodal Freight Technology - Program Manager, Mike Onder (

      To improve freight mobility and enhance its security, FHWA is pursuing an aggressive intelligent transportation systems (ITS) technologies research program in concert with industry.  ITS and other new technologies will play a key role in balancing freight transportation productivity with security needs.  Working with our partners in state and local governments and the private sector, FHWA  initiated several operational tests, including the Air Cargo Supply Chain Manifest (ESCM) System, electronic seals, and asset cargo tracking.  The tests have been completed and nearly all the results analyzed.  Growth in trade, changes in business practices, and concerns about security have also underscored the need for government/industry partnerships to standardize information exchange and implement best practices throughout the global supply chain network.  FHWA is working with international organizations to develop electronic freight data exchange standards to streamline cargo transactions, thus improving mobility and security, reducing costs, and relieving congestion.  FHWA is also working with industry through the Intermodal Freight Technology Working group (IFTWG) to implement operational best practices through deployment tests expected to begin in FY2004.


    1. Emergency Transportation Operations

      1. Military Coordination Exercises - Program Manager Al Benet  ( is conducting 1-day exercises with major military power projection platforms to bring together military and transportation agencies to review procedures and roadway operations during a military deployment.  One exercise was conducted in FY 2003, with exercises for Georgia and Washington State completed in July FY04.

      2. Reducing Vulnerability of Agency-Owned Telecommunications system – Program Manager Vince Pearce ( intelligent infrastructure is a critical resource in managing during a disaster.  Just as the vulnerability of traditional transportation infrastructure is being assessed and measures are being taken to reduce its vulnerability, comparable efforts are needed for our electronic infrastructure.  This report looked at several existing systems and analyzed what we know about agency-owned telecommunications systems and how they can be made less vulnerable to attack.  The report is awaiting approval by agency Counsel for public release.

      3. Reducing Vulnerability of Transportation Management Centers - Program Manager Vince Pearce (  This project is examining the security of transportation management centers and what measures can be taken to reduce their vulnerability.  The first draft of the final report is undergoing review.

      4. Emergency Management Requirements and Integration - Program Manager Vince Pearce ( An initiative is nearly complete capturing high-level information requirements for emergency transportation operations.  The project also analyzed various existing transportation models to assess the level to which they meet transportation managers' emergency requirements.  A follow-on project is looking at how this information can be integrated to support decision-making.

      5. Communications Interoperability - Program Manager Vince Pearce ( This project is examining the voice communication needs of transportation agencies during emergencies, what technologies are available to provide interoperability, and what initiatives are underway in the public safety community that transportation agencies should participate in so that they are able to interoperate with other responders.

      6. Transportation Emergency Response/Recovery Workshops - Program Manager Vince Pearce (  Surface transportation is a critical element in responding to and recovering from any disaster, whether natural or man-made.  A first key step in making the best use of transportation during a crisis is to have relationships in place and to have worked through core issues.  This project will fund ten workshops around the nation in 2004 to bring transportation agencies together with their partners to work through simulated terrorist attacks on the transportation system.

      7. Alternate Route Development - Program Manager Vince Pearce ( Not all states have well defined processes for identifying alternative routes around critical transportation infrastructure that might be damaged or destroyed.  This report is documenting a recommended methodology for developing such routes.  The final report is under review.

      8. Emergency Operations and Planning Resource CD - Program Manager, Vince Pearce ( The CD set is being developed as a "one stop shop" for transportation and emergency managers seeking guidance and/or resources for planning for transportation operations and impacts as a result of natural or man-made emergencies.  The prototype CD has been reviewed and final changes are underway, as is distribution planning.

      9. Blackout Case Study- Program Manager Vince Pearce (  This study is investigating the impact of the August, 2003 blackout on surface transportation systems in New York, Detroit, and Cleveland, and how those systems were used to manage transportation during the blackout.  It includes multiple modes of transportation, and highlights ITS.  The final report has been approved and is undergoing Section 508 conversion before posting.

      10. Traffic Signal Timing For Evacuation – Program Manager Vince Pearce (  This study will look at how traffic signals can be timed within a metropolitan area to facilitate evacuation of citizens and response to the scene at the same time.  The contract initiation paperwork is being processed.

      11. 9/11/2001 Surface Transportation Case Studies – Program Manager Vince Pearce (  Counsel has determined that these case studies are now appropriate for public release.  They are awaiting 508 compliance before posting.

      12. Managing Pedestrians in Evacuations - Program Manager Vince Pearce (  This project will examine how pedestrians impact mobility during evacuations and how transportation agencies and their partners can overcome the mobility limitations caused by potential masses of pedestrians in the travel lanes.  The contractor has been selected and kickoff is pending.

      13. Emergency Transportation Operations ITS Initiative - Program Manager, Vince Pearce ( The ETO program has received authorization to proceed with a series of projects related to no-notice evacuation funded by the ITS Joint Program Office.  Projects presently under procurement include:

        • Demonstration of application of incident scene images to enhancing response by towing/recovery and hazmat responders
        • ITS to Enhance Incident Response
        • Application of Technology to Transportation Operations in Biohazard Situations
        • Communicating with the Public Using ATIS During Disasters
        • Assessment of State of the Practice and State of the Art in Evacuation Transportation Management
        • Review Existing and Emerging Technologies for Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation to Support Emergency
        • Define Service Concepts for Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation to Support Emergency Transportation Operations
        • Completion and demonstration of incident management standards suite Harmonization of transportation and public safety incident management standards

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