USDA Forest Service

North Central Research Station


North Central Research Station
1992 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

(651) 649-5000

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Science for People's Sake

[photo:] An NCRS  Research Scientist studies plant growth within a controlled environment.
Science and the good life

We believe the good life has its roots in clean air, sparkling water, rich soil, healthy economies, and a diverse living landscape. Maintaining the good life for generations to come begins with everyday choices about natural resources. We provide the knowledge and the tools to help people make informed choices. That's how the science we do enhances the quality of people's lives. 

Hot off the Press
New on our Web
[photo:] Publication Cover: Proceedings, 13th Central Hardwood Forest Converence
Proceedings, 13th Central Hardwood Forest Conference More on National Fire Plan Research and Development 
                2002 Business Summary
Homeowners, communities, and wildfire; science findings from the National Fire Plan.  More on National Fire Plan Research and Development 
                2002 Business Summary
The Nature of Tomorrow... Policy-relevant research at the North Central Research Station.  More on The Nature of Tomorrow
Featured Products
[photo:] CD-ROM cover: Sudden Oak Death, How concerned should you be? -- Order it free!
Oak Wilt: People and Trees, A Community Approach to Management
Order your Free CD-ROM More on The status of timber resources in the North Central United States
Sudden Oak Death: How concerned should you be?
Order your Free CD-ROM More on The status of timber resources in the North Central United States


Hot Topics

[photo] Adult Emerald Ash Borer - Photo Credit : Andrew J. Storer MI Tech. Univ.  Bulleted item Exotic Invaders: Emerald Ash Borer
 Bulleted item The Right Tools: Managing for Fire
 Bulleted item Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks--A comprehensive guide
 Bulleted item Breathing Easier--Understanding Atmospheric Effects on Fire Behavior and Smoke Movement
 Bulleted item Make your own maps and tables

Public Notices

updated information We are presently conducting the environmental analysis for three construction projects. For project status, click here.
[image:] TreeSearch, links to

Giving you access to over 8,500 online USDA Forest Service Research publications.

Research  Programs
Landscape Change
Forest Productivity
Riparian Landscapes

Fish & wildlife
Insects & disease
Climate & weather

Our Research Staff
Scientist Directory
Research Work Units

USDA Forest Service - North Central Research Station
Last Modified: Tuesday, 31 August 2004

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.