Interagency Aviation Training
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These modules can be viewed before or after logging into the IAT system. A prompt occurs at the end of the module for you to take the test--and to log in if you haven't already done so. If you log out before completing the test, you must repeat the lesson.

* All of the following Modules are needed to fulfill the B-3 (Combination Airplane/Helicopter Safety): A101, A105, A106, A108 and A113.

Users must take the test (requires logon) to receive credit for an online module. The test is only accessible at the end of the module.

Please Note: Many Agencies have policies which require Administrators to install software on a User's PC. Please contact your computer support personnel to assist you in installing these plugins if you are having difficulties.

NOTE: All DOI Bureau employees (except USGS) are required to take their initial B-3 training in the classroom. Web-based training modules may be used for refresher training only.

»» You must install the FLASH and AUTHORWARE browser plug-ins in order to run any of the on-line modules. If you are using both Netscape and Internet Explorer each browser must have the plugins installed.««

* A-101: Aviation Safety

A-104: Overview of Aircraft Capabilities & Limitations Info

* A-105: ALSE Aviation Life Support Equipment Info

* A-106: Aviation Mishap Reporting  (Click Here if you are having problems running A-106) Info

A-107: Aviation Policy and Regulations I Info

* A-108: Pre-Flight Briefing & Debriefing Info

A-109: Aviation Radio Use Info

A-110: Aviation Transport of Hazardous Materials Info

A-111: Flight Payment Document Info

A-112: Mission Planning & Flight Request Process Info

* A-113: Crash Survival Info

A-201: Overview of Aviation Safety & Accident Prevention Programs
Please make sure you have installed the Authorware Plugin before running this module. AUTHORWARE Download

A-202: Interagency Aviation Organizations Info

A-204: Aircraft Capabilities & Limitations Info

M3: Management Training for Supervisors
NOTE: All DOI Bureau employees (except USGS) are required to take their initial M-3 training in the classroom. Web-based training modules may be used for refresher training only.

A-102: USFS Alaska Region Fixed Wing Safety Info

A-113: USFS Crash Survival for R-10 Employees Info

Having trouble getting one of these modules to run?  Please read our Troubleshooting page.

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