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DFAS Strategy

Mission: Provide responsive, professional finance and accounting services for the people who defend America.


Vision: Best Value to Our Customers Goals
World-class provider of finance and accounting services Fully satisfy customer requirements and aggressively resolve problems to deliver best value services

Use performance metrics to drive best business practices and achieve high quality results

Optimize the mix of our military, civilian, and contractor work force

Trusted, innovative financial partner Establish consultative relationships with leaders

Deliver business intelligence to enable better decisions

One organization, One identity Ensure everyone is working toward the same vision and can connect what they're doing to make the vision a reality
Employer of choice, providing a progressive and professional work environment Embrace continuous learning for our work force to ensure critical, high quality skill sets

Develop the next generation of DFAS leadership

For additional DFAS Strategy information visit the DFAS Strategic Plan. (PDF - 179 KB)
A 16" x 20" poster size printable copy of DFAS' Strategy. (PDF - 1.4Mb)

Last updated: August 25, 2003 at 14:15


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