Interagency Aviation Training
Sign Up Login Directions On-line Courses ACE

  1. What are the requirements to access the On-line Modules for Interagency Aviation Training?
  2. What is the "Authorware Web Player"? 
  3. What is the "Macromedia Flash Player"? 
  4. How do I sign up and what is the tuition for Interagency Aviation Training?
  5. Can I use Interagency Aviation Training at home?
  6. Can I use Interagency Aviation Training with America Online?
  7. If I use both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, do I need to download the the Authorware and Shockwave plug-ins twice?
  8. Who should I contact if I have questions about Modules, Classes, Training Records, and other Training related issues?
  9. Who should I contact if I am having problems accessing or using the IAT Web site?
  10. What DOI aviation management and user training is required?
  11. What USFS aviation management and user training is required?
  12. How will my supervisor know if I’ve completed any online training modules?
  13. Who is developing the Web-based training for the IAT program?
  14. Will any other online training modules be available soon?
  15. Who is developing the lesson plans for the IAT program?
  16. What is the ACE?
  17. Where is the ACE held?
  18. How do I register for the ACE?
  19. Do I have to attend all the training modules at an ACE?
  20. Why aren’t all 36 IAT training modules currently available at the ACE?
  21. How do I register for instructor-led classes other than those presented at the ACE?
  22. How does the IAT program change my fire qualification training?
  23. Has the IAT program replaced the IAMS course?
  24. As a supervisor, how do I access employee training records?

1. What are the requirements to access the On-line Modules for Interagency Aviation Training?
  • Access to the Internet
    • Via Network Connection
    • Via Dial-Up (56K Modem)
  • 200 MHz Pentium Processor computer with 16 MB of RAM (32 MB recommended) running Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT
  • Screen resolution set to 800 x 600 at 16-bit color depth.
  • Audio is optional.
  • Use a compatible web browser and operating system. Compatible browsers include:
  • Install the FLASH and Authorware plug-ins.
The Authorware, Macromedia's Flash plug-ins must be installed in order for you to access the current on-line modules through your web browser.

2. What is the "Authorware Web Player"? 

The Macromedia Authorware Web Player, formerly Shockwave Authorware, allows users to create and deliver high-performance, fully interactive, streaming rich-media across intranets and high-bandwidth Internet links. The Authorware Web Player provides compression and streaming of sounds, animations, graphics, and text that lets authors deliver engaging online learning applications.

Download the Macromedia Authorware Web Player

3. What is the "Macromedia Flash Player"? 

Macromedia Flash Player displays web application front-ends, high-impact website user interfaces, interactive online advertising, and short-form to long-form animation.

Download the latest version of the Macromedia Flash Player.

4. How do I sign up and what is the tuition for Interagency Aviation Training?
Visit the Sign-Up page, fill out the form, and you're registered. All classes are tuition free.

5. Can I use Interagency Aviation Training at home?
Yes, so long as you have access to the Internet and your computer fulfills the basic requirements.
Even if you use Interagency Aviation Training from work you can still use Interagency Aviation Training from your home.

6. Can I use Interagency Aviation Training with America Online?
We do not recommend using the America Online web browser to access the Interagency Aviation Training web site. However, you can use America Online as an access provider, and then use Netscape Navigator/Communicator or Microsoft Internet Explorer to access the IAT site. To access the IAT site while dialed in to America Online, you should minimize your AOL program, start Navigator (or Internet Explorer), and then link to

7. If I use both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, do I need to download the the Authorware and Shockwave plug-ins twice?
If you are using both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, the Authorware and Shockwave plug-ins must be installed in the plug-in directory under both Navigator and Explorer. As long as both browsers are installed when you install the plug-ins, the installation program will take care of this for you.

8. Who should I contact if I have questions about Modules, Classes, Training Records, and other Training related issues?
Contact :, or

9. Who should I contact if I am having problems accessing or using the IAT Web site?
Contact : or

10. What DOI aviation management and user training is required?
Policy for required training (see Position Descriptions/Required Training) is set by each agency.  For DOI employees the Department set forth minimum aviation management and user training requirements for DOI employees who participate in aviation activities (reference 112 DM 12.2.1 and OPM 04).  The DOI incorporated the IAT modules into its aviation training program.

11. What USFS aviation management and user training is required?
USFS requirements are listed in the Fire & Aviation Management Qualifications Handbook (Manual 5109.17).  The list of positions and ACE courses are in Chapter 30 (30.doc).  Contact Scott Cochran (208-387-5901) or Ron Hanks (208-387-5607) for more information.

12. How will my supervisor know if I’ve completed any online training modules?
Employees register for each online module and can access their individual registration and training information on the Internet to show their supervisors.  (All classes for which students have registered online, including instructor-led and ACE classes, are listed in the student schedule or student record.)

13. Who is developing the Web-based training for the IAT program?
Contractors are developing the online training modules based on the lesson plans written by agency employees (USFS and DOI).  Each module has undergone extensive reviews by the USFS and DOI.

14. Will any other online training modules be available soon?
Yes. Please see the list in "What's New?" on the OAS Training home page.

15. Who is developing the lesson plans for the IAT program?
Subject matter experts in DOI and USFS develop the lesson plans.  Each lesson plan goes through a thorough review and approval process to ensure that it meets interagency standards.

16. What is the ACE?
The ACE was developed as a part of the IAT program to offer training modules in a centralized location.  The USFS and DOI developed it to promote training efficiency and reduce training travel costs.

17. Where is the ACE held?
The ACE is held at various locations in the U.S. to accommodate employees in all geographic locations.

18. How do I register for the ACE?
From the IAT Home Page, press the circle labeled ACE.  When registration is available, the ACE Directions will be at this link.

19. Do I have to attend all the training modules at an ACE?
No, individuals create their own schedule and may attend only those modules that are required for their position.  Credit is given ONLY for the modules that each employee attends (attendance is taken at the beginning of each module by the instructor).

20. Why aren’t all 36 IAT training modules currently available at the ACE?
The IAT program will not be fully implemented until 2003.  Lesson plans for many of the modules are still under development.

21. How do I register for instructor-led classes other than those presented at the ACE?
At the IAT Web site, you can also register for instructor-led classes other than those presented at the ACE.  After you log in, select “View Training Schedule” from “Things I Can Do.”  Next, select the module and press “Show Classes” at the bottom.  Click on the class title to go to the class description page and press “register.”

22. How does the IAT program change my fire qualification training?
The IAT program does not replace fire (“I” or “S” courses) training courses.  The IAT program provides aviation training to all employees who utilize aviation resources to accomplish their jobs including helicopter managers, wildlife biologists, geologists, and firefighters.  Employees who participate in wildland fire are still required to follow the guidelines and training set forth in the Wildland Fire Qualification System developed by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group.

23. Has the IAT program replaced the IAMS course?
Yes, the IAT program has replaced the Interagency Aviation Management & Safety (IAMS) course.  The Interagency Aviation Training and Qualifications Working Team, a chartered committee under the Aviation Management Council, worked with the National Wildfire Coordinating Group and others to eliminate duplication and increase effectiveness of interagency aviation training.  As a result, the IAT program was created and has been accepted by USFS and DOI.  (IAT incorporates existing interagency aviation training.)  Based on recommendations from the National Interagency Dispatch Steering Group, the final IAMS course was presented in May 2002, and its curriculum is reflected in the 100 and 200 level IAT modules listed below. Modules with an asterisk are available online and the others are presented at the ACE; all descriptions are in the catalog. In addition, the 300 level modules are required for Aviation Dispatcher.
  1. A103 FAA NOTAM System
  2. A106 Aviation Mishap Reporting*
  3. A107 Aviation Policy & Regulations I*
  4. A109 Aviation Radio Use
  5. A110 Aviation Transportation of Hazardous Materials
  6. A111 Flight Payment Document
  7. A112 Mission Planning & Flight Request
  8. A202 Interagency Aviation Organization
  9. A203 Basic Airspace
  10. A204 Aircraft Capabilities and Limitations
  11. A205 Risk Awareness
  12. A206 Aviation Acquisition/Procurement I
  13. A207 Aircraft Dispatching
  14. A302 Personal Responsibility & Liability
  15. A303 Human Factors in Aviation
  16. A305 Risk Management
  17. A307 Aviation Policy and Regulations II

24. As a supervisor, how do I access employee training records?
Please go to the "View Training Records by Agency" page for information.

Having trouble getting one of the modules to run?  Please read our Troubleshooting page.

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