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U.S. Export Controls and Licenses

U.S. Export Controls and Licenses

Do you need an export license?

Relatively few exports require an export license. Licenses are required in certain situations involving national security, foreign policy, short-supply, nuclear non-proliferation, missile technology, chemical and biological weapons, regional stability, crime control, or terrorist concerns. License requirements are dependent upon an item's technical characteristics, the destination, the end-use, and the end-user, and other activities of the end-user. Learn for sure whether your exports need a license before you export.

See Also: Export Controls - Ask the TIC Article
This article writen by the Trade Information Center (TIC) covers most of what you need to know about export licensing in three pages or less.

Submit Export License Applications Online Using SNAP

If you do need a license for your export, SNAP (Simplified Network Applications Process) allows registered users to submit export and reexport license applications, to request commodity classifications, and agricultural license exception notices through a single and secure Web site.

Illegal Exports: Lists To Check

Check these lists to insure your products are not being illegally sold to barred persons or entities.

Denied Persons List - List of persons to whom export privileges are denied by written order of the Department of Commerce.

Unverified List - includes names and countries of foreign persons who in the past were parties to a transaction with respect to which BIS could not conduct a pre-license check ("PLC") or a post-shipment verification ("PSV") for reasons outside of the U.S. Government's control.

Entity List - These end users have been determined to present an unacceptable risk of diversion to developing weapons of mass destruction or the missiles used to deliver those weapons.

Specially Designated Nationals List - Alphabetical master list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons

Debarred List - Defense Trade Controls List

Reporting Violations

This form for reporting export control or antiboycott violations should only be used to submit a lead or a tip on a possible export control or boycott related violation of the EAR. Because we want to protect you and any information you may wish to provide us, no email response will be sent to you as a result of submitting this form. In most cases you will be contacted by telephone by one of our special agents.

More Information on Export Controls, Regulations and Licensing

Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)

BIS is the primary licensing agency for dual use exports (commercial items which could have military applications). Other departments and agencies have regulatory jurisdiction over certain types of exports and reexports. For example, the State Department licenses the export defense articles and services, while certain nuclear materials and equipment are licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.