National Credit Union Administration

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NCUA Fraud Hotline

1. What is the NCUA Fraud Hotline?
A telephone line established solely for the reporting of suspicious or illegal activity committed by credit union employees, members, or officials infederally insured credit unions.

2. What number do I call?
Toll-free anywhere in the United States 800-827-9650 or 703-518-6550 in the Washington, D.C. area.

3. Can I remain anonymous?
Yes, but enough information must be given so that the problem, the individual(s) and credit union involved can be identified. In some cases, failure to identify yourself may make the report difficult to investigate. All reports are kept confidential.

4. What happens when I call the Fraud Hotline?
A report is completed by our Office of General Counsel based on the information provided and forwarded immediately to the appropriate regional office. An investigation or inquiry into the allegations is conducted. In the event information provided to the hotline results in a finding of fraudulent or improper conduct, NCUA will take the necessary corrective action.