National Credit Union Administration

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Office of Equal Opprotunity Programs(EOP)

Director - Marilyn Gannon

Email -

Phone - 703-518-6320

Fax - 703-518-6619

Mailing Address :

National Credit Union Administration
1775 Duke St.
Alexandria, Va. 22314

EOP provides three main programs for NCUA staff--Affirmative Employment, Special Emphasis and EEO Complaints Programs. 


Affirmative Employment Programs enhance the employment opportunities and representation of minorities, women, and persons with disabilities.  They function to (1) identify underrepresentation of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities; (2) eliminate policies and practices that contribute to underrepresentation of women, minorities and persons with disabilities; (3) develop strategies to improve employment and advancement opportunities for members of under-represented groups.

Affirmative Employment Programs include:

  • AEP for Women and Minorities, required by EEOC in Management Directive MD714;

  • AEP for People with Disabilities, required by EEOC in Management Directive MD-713;

  • Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Recruitment Program (FEORP), required by OPM 5 USC 7201, Part 720 of Title 5 CFR;

  • Disabled Veterans Affirmative Employment Program (DVAAP), required by OPM 38 USC 4214, Part 720 of Title 5 CFR;

  • Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Recruitment Program, required by Executive Order 12876;

  • White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans, required by Executive Order 12900;

  • Tribal Colleges and Universities, Executive Order 13021;

  • Increasing the Opportunity for Individuals with Disabilities to be Employed in the Federal Government, required by Executive Order 13163.


Special Emphasis Programs enhance affirmative employment plans in areas such as recruitment, employment, training, retention and awareness, thus fostering a multi-cultural diverse workforce.