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E-RELEASE    March 26, 1999

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IHS National Union-Management
Partnership Council Charter Signed

New Era Begins for the Indian Health Service

Dr. Trujillo signing charter.

Dr. Trujillo signs the IHS National Union-Management Partnership Council Charter.
The Charter ushers in a new era in partnership to benefit the delivery of health services
to American Indian and Alaska Native people.

With the stroke of his pen, the Director of the Indian Health Service began a new era of partnership with the employees of the Indian Health Service by signing the charter document of the IHS National Union-Management Partnership Council. Dr. Michael H. Trujillo, the Director of the Indian Health Service, was the first to sign the Charter and offer partnership to all unions that chose to sign the document after him. The Charter was signed at the first national meeting of the Council on March 24, 1999.

Attending the historic first meeting was Deputy Secretary Kevin Thurm. “This signing and first meeting reflects the great magnitude of steps that have been taken,” Thurm said during his opening remarks. “There is no doubt in my mind that union-management partnership is the way to do business in the Federal Government. Not just for its intrinsic value but because better relations produce better outcomes. The outcomes for your mission mean better outcomes for American Indians and Alaska Natives.”

The four unions that represent the approximately 6,000 employees were invited to joint meetings to develop the Charter through partnership. Representing and signing for three of the Unions was Anthony A. Brown for the American Federation of Government Employees, Robert Purcell for the Laborers’ International Union of North America, and Tom Connell for the National Federation of Federal Employees. The National Treasury Employees Union did not attend the meeting or sign the Charter.

“I have read the Charter and it looks to be a fruitful and far-reaching document,” said Dr. Trujillo during his opening remarks. “The partnership between the unions and the Indian Health Service is similar to the partnership between the Indian Health Service and the more than 550 tribal governments; it takes a lot of time, consultation, involvement, and mutual respect. And, most important, it takes listening. Like the Indian Health Service, the unions may have a preference but the employees who make up those unions will make decisions considering those and the preference of employees.”

Kevin Thurm (left), Deputy Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, stands with the signers of the IHS National Union-Management Partnership Council Charter (l-r) Robert Purcell (LIUNA), Dr. Michael H. Trujillo, Tom Connell (NFFE), and Anthony Brown (AGFE). The Charter was signed March 24, 1999. Kevin Thurm, Deputy Secretary, HHS, at left, with signers of charter.

The meeting of the Council was attended by 15 of the 20 voting members. The two-day meeting took place at the Headquarters of the IHS in Rockville, MD. The focus of the Council is to enhance the mission of providing the highest quality health care to American Indians and Alaska Natives. An overriding interest of the Council was the fostering of partnership councils throughout the IHS; strengthening those that exist and encouraging the establishment of councils for those areas without one. The Council also determined that establishing supportive and information sharing linkages with other councils and workgroups of the agency would help in accomplishing the areas that the Council would initially like to address. In the first year, Quality Work Life, communications, training, and accomplishing the agency mission— particularly through the 638 process—would also be a Council focus for action.

Presentation of Certificates of Apreciation acknowledging union participation. Making the Certificate of Appreciation a permanent part of the Charter document provided recognition of the 54 people who participated in the development of the charter. The Deputy Secretary of HHS, Kevin Thurm, and the Director of the IHS, Dr. Michael H. Trujillo, presented Certificates of Appreciation acknowledging the participation of the unions in the development of the Charter. Pictured (l-r), Alex Garcia of NFEE, Dr. Trujillo, Mary Attocknie of AFGE, Donna Cooper of LIUNA, and Kevin Thurm.

“I look to this Council to develop a strategy or mechanism to address the remaining areas of bargaining,” Dr. Trujillo said in reference of support for self-determination regarding those issues still subject to bargaining once a tribe has elected to 638 a program or facility and employees work for the tribe through an IPA. “With this Council, we can ensure that the consequences on employees will not have a negative affect on our patients.”

The spirit and intent of the work of the Council was captured in the opening remarks of the Director: “Where we can compromise, we should. Where we are precluded from reaching agreement because of laws or regulations, we need to expand our ability to understand and expand our capacity to lead.”

The focus on the mission of the IHS was reflected in additional remarks of the Deputy Secretary. “What I think is most important comes from Dr. Trujillo’s vision for the Indian Health Service: ‘The needs of our patients and our communities are always paramount because they honor us when they come to us for care,’ ” he said. “The Secretary and I support that vision and we believe partnership is a crucial tool to attain that vision. I am aware of the road you traveled to get here today. That there have been bumps might overstate it. But you got past them. You should think of that as you go forward on your agenda because it is in your interests and those that we serve.”

“I am in full support of this Council and the Charter,” Dr. Trujillo said, “because I believe in those that had a hand in writing the Charter showed dedication and wisdom and demonstrated a shared trust. Solutions will come from you, employees, and American Indian and Alaska Native people. I look forward to working with you in all these areas. We must do our best job together to deliver quality, efficient, effective health care to the patient and communities we all serve.”

Members of theIHS National Union-Management Partnership Council attending the first meeting.

Members of the IHS National Union-Management Partnership Council attending the first meeting of the Council were IHS employees (except as noted): (back row) Eugene Ryan (NFFE, Redding, CA), Bob McSwain (Director OMS, Headquarters), Tony Brown (AFGE, Anchorage, AK), and Donna Cooper (LIUNA, Tahlequah, OK). (center row) Tom Connell (NFFE, Browning, MT), Rick Smith (Deputy OPH, Headquarters), Julie Claymore (LIUNA, Albuquerque, NM, voting member), Alex Garcia (NFFE, Santa Fe, NM), Bob Purcell (LIUNA, non-voting alternate, Sacramento, CA), Mary Attocknie (AFGE, Claremore, OK), and Randy Baldridge (AFGE, Claremore, OK). (seated) Wayne Weber (LIUNA, Belcourt, ND), Tony Kendrick (OD, Headquarters), Gary Brown (LIUNA, Schurz, NV), Loretta Thomas NFFE, Billings, MT), and Barbara Luellen (AFGE, Claremore, OK).

Other members include: Cheri Lyon (Service Unit Director, Albuquerque, NM); Luana Reyes (DHO, Headquarters); Taylor Satala (Director, Tucson Area); Mary Lou Stanton (Deputy DHO, Headquarters West and Deputy Director, Phoenix Area); Ron Tso (Service Unit Director, Navajo, Chinle, AZ).

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