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Indian Health Service:  The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Indian Health Service
April 10, 2001

Contact: (301) 443-3593, FAX (301) 443-0507

FY 2002 IHS Budget 
Performance Related Documents Released
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  The FY 2002 budget request for the Indian Health Service is contained in the Department of Health and Human Services "Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees" and is provided below.
  * Click here for the IHS FY 2002 Performance Plan and the FY 2000 Performance Report, which are also part of the IHS budget justification document.
  * Click here for a reference document about the Indian Health Service, the IHS Profile 2001.
* Click here for budget proposal documents for all of HHS.

Department of Health and Human Services
Fiscal Year 2002
Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees
Table of Contents
Total Funding Level Summary
Detail of Changes
Breakdown of Operational Level
FTE Summary
Phasing-in of Staffing/Operating Cost
Federal/Tribal Crosswalk Tables
Executive Summary

Indian Health Services (entire section)
General Statement
Clinical Services
Hospitals & Health Clinics
Dental Health
Mental Health
Alcohol & Substance Abuse
Contract Health Services
Public and Private Collections
Preventive Health
Public Health Nursing
Health Education
Community Health Representatives
Immunization (Alaska)
Urban Health
Indian Health Professions
Tribal Management
Direct Operations
Contract Support Costs

Advance Transfer Appropriation

Information Technology and Epidemiology Center
Information Technology Infrastructure
Epidemiology Center

Indian Health Facilities (entire section)
Indian Health Facilities Table of Contents
Maintenance and Improvement
Sanitation Facilities Construction
Health Care Facilities Construction
Facilities and Environmental Health Support
Personnel Quarters

Supplemental Materials
Organizational Chart
(no Exhibit A, B, or C)
Exhibit D - Appropriation Language
Exhibit E1 & E2 - Amount Available for Obligation
Exhibit F - Summary of Change
Exhibit G - Budget Authority by Activity
Exhibit H - Budget Authority by Object
Exhibit I - Salaries and Expenses
Exhibit J - Significant Items
Exhibit K - Authorizing Legislation
Exhibit L - Appropriations History Table
(no Exhibit M or N)
Exhibit O - Detail of Full-Time Equivalent Employment (FTE)
Exhibit P - Detail of Permanent of Positions
Exhibit Q - New Positions Requirement
Health Facilities Priority Rankings

Special Requirements
IHS and Tribal Operated Service Unit and Medical Facilities

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NOTE TO READERS: A media advisory specific to the IHS FY 2002 Budget Proposal is in development and will be provided at a later time.  Additional information about the IHS is available on the IHS website at and also at

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This file last modified:   Monday January 28, 2002  7:46 AM