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EML Databases and Sample Archives

Two people using equipment to pull a sediment core out of the ice
Taking sediment cores in Alaska.

 EML provides access to comprehensive computer databases of published data from its current and historic environmental programs. EML also maintains and provides access to the Department of Energy's Human Subjects Research Database.

 EML maintains an extensive library of samples associated with its research programs, in some cases going back well over 40 years. Sample types in the archive include: human bone, animal tissue and bone, vegetation, milk and food ash, soil, lake water and sediment, seawater and aerosol filters. Over 70,000 samples, including filters obtained from altitudes ranging from sea level to high in the stratosphere, are presently in this archive. We are in the process of placing these sample inventories on-line.

 See EML's Global Sampling Network Factsheet (PDF) for an overview of the sampling program, and EML-300 for a thorough description of current sampling procedures. The Environmental Sample Archive and Internet Database Factsheet (PDF) and Technical Notes about the databases are also available.

 Please read the disclaimer before making use of any of the data presented herein.

International Environmental Sample Archive (IESA):

Cleanup Criteria / Decision Document Database (C2D2):

EML Environmental Databases:

Other Databases:

  • At DOE's Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
    • TRACDAB: a database of stratospheric trace gases collected during Project Airstream.
    • RANDAB: a database of the world's largest compilation of stratospheric and upper-tropospheric radionuclide data. (Note that this information is an earlier version and duplicative of the HASP databases, above).

For more information about EML's sample databases, contact:
Richard Larsen

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