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Tool Details

  Tool Name:  HEG v1.0 (HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF converter)
  Category:  Format Converters
  Platform(s):  Linux ,  SGI ,  Sun ,  Windows
  Contact Person:  HDF-EOS Support  
  License Type:  ECS 
  Release Type:  Public Release 
  Data Application(s):  ASTER, MISR, MODIS 
  Date Updated:  02/12/2003 
  Rating:  User rating: This image shows that users have given this tool a rating of 3.7 of a maximum score of 5.0  (3.7/5)


This tool will convert many EOS products written in HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF, native binary or HDF-EOS Grid. It also has re-projection, resampling, subsetting, stitching (mosaicing), and metadata creation capabilities. The tool is accessible via a command line interface or by a GUI. About 65 ASTER, MODIS and MISR HDF-EOS Swath, Grid and map products processed from data taken on the EOS Terra platform have been tested to date (view list of data sets tested). The tool is operable on Sun, SGI, Windows, and Linux platforms.

HEG requires Java 1.3 (Windows version requires JDK 1.3)

Features include:

Support of MODIS Ocean Products.   (new in v1.0)
Lambert Azimuthal reprojection.   (new in v1.0)
Lambert Conformal Conic reprojection.   (new in v1.0)
State Plane (on SUN and SGI only).   (new in v1.0)
Support of new data products.   (new in v1.0)
Bug fixes from previous release.   (new in v1.0)
Creation of multi-band GeoTIFF output.
Subsampling - creation of a stack of several subsamples, e.g. 1km, 2km, 4km.
Transverse Mercator reprojection support.
Conversion of MODIS Integerized Sinusoidal binned data.
Output to GeoTIFF, native binary, and/or HDF-EOS Grid formats.
Stitching (or mosaicing) of HDF-EOS datasets.
Subsetting of HDF-EOS datasets by parameter and geolocation.
Data resampling.
Extraction of MISR "blocks".
Metadata preservation and creation.
Java GUI.
Command-line interface.

Download HEG_v1 User Guide in PDF [445 KB]
Download HEG_v1 User Guide in MSWord [480 KB]

Click here for HEG v0.6 


   This software is available for download. Questions concerning the software or its installation and use should be addressed to the "contact name" given on this page. NASA GSFC makes no statements as to the quality or suitability of this software, and is not liable for any problems it may cause to your computer.

User Comments

Your comments on this tool are important to us and to other users. Comments submitted by users will be posted on the web site to assist other users in tool selection. Users may submit comments anonymously or can choose to have their name, title, e-mail, and organization posted with their review.

If a tool you have downloaded does not run properly after installation, please submit questions to the contact person listed for the tool, or visit our User Forum at http://hdfeos.gsfc.nasa.gov/hdfeos/forum/index.cfm

Submit comments

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Reviews for  HEG v1.0 (HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF converter)

The reviews below were submitted by users of this tool.

Installation: Was the software easy to install and execute? Was the documentation sufficient?
Features: Did the software have all of the functionality you expected?
Stability: Was the software stable (e.g, no crashes or unexpected interruptions)?
Usability: Was the software efficient and easy to use?

this image is a line that separates the user rating explanation from the first user rating details

(07-Sep-2004)  From an anonymous user
Platform(s): Win2000

HEG tool seems to be reading in my HDF ASTER file as lat long geographyic projection and writes them that way, theoption to change the projection to UTM are permanently greyed out. Why is that. I though ASTER was UTM projected. 

Overall: 2.8   Installation: 2    Features: 4    Stability: 4    Usability: 1
this image is a line that separates the next user rating information from the previous one
"Good, stable and easy to use."
(06-Aug-2004)  From an anonymous user
Platform(s): WinXP

Good tool igf you are only occasionally working with HDF files and just want to export the data to another environment that does not provide hdf support. 

Overall: 4.8   Installation: 4    Features: 5    Stability: 5    Usability: 5
this image is a line that separates the next user rating information from the previous one
(27-Jul-2004)  From an anonymous user
Platform(s): WinXP

Overall: 1.5   Installation: 1    Features: 2    Stability: 2    Usability: 1
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(19-Feb-2004)  From an anonymous user
Platform(s): Win2000

Overall: 4.5   Installation: 5    Features: 4    Stability: 4    Usability: 5
this image is a line that separates the next user rating information from the previous one
(16-Nov-2003)  From an anonymous user
Platform(s): WinXP

Overall: 5   Installation: 5    Features: 5    Stability: 5    Usability: 5
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