Nuclear Engineering Division of ANL

Home > Activities > Facilities


NE has world-class facilities where scientists and engineers perform cutting-edge research.

Advanced Simulation and Control Laboratory (ASCL)
Aerosol Lab (AL)
Computer Facilities (CF)
Engineering Development Laboratory (EDL)
In-Reactor Experiments (IRE)
Laser Applications Laboratory (LAL)
Prototype Cathode Processor (PCP)
Robotics Laboratory (RL)
Sodium Reactor Experimental Test Facility (SRETF)

  Advanced Simulation and Control Laboratory (ASCL)

Advanced Simulation and Control LabThe Advanced Simulation and Control Laboratory (ASCL) contains state-of-the-art electronic equipment for conducting collaborative research on applications of computing, communication and visualization technologies.

This facility is used by:
• Engineering Analysis • Nuclear Systems Analysis

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  Aerosol Laboratory (AL)

Aerosol LabThe Aerosol Lab (AL) houses equipment to measure and record the physical parameters necessary to characterize the formation and transport of aerosols.

This facility is used by:
• Engineering Analysis

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  Computer Facilities (CF)

Computer FacilitiesOur computer facilities are state-of-the-art equipment provided to in-house staff and collaborating scientists. We have a Beowulf cluster (2 control nodes and 78 computer nodes) as an advanced computational platforms for per-forming a variety of engineering analyses. We also use facilities outside the Division such as Jazz, a terascale (10E12 calculations per second) Linux computing cluster with 350 nodes, and the CAVE, one of four sophisticated automatic virtual environment systems.

This facility is used by:
• Engineering Analysis • Nuclear Systems Analysis

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  Engineering Development Laboratory (EDL)

Engineering Development LabThe Engineering Development Laboratory (EDL) facilities are used to obtain information on the behavior of molten nuclear fuel, both in-reactor pressure vessel and ex-vessel.

This facility is used by:
• Engineering Development and Applications

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  In-Reactor Experiments (IRE)

In-Reactor ExperimentsPerformance of accident simulation experiments on nuclear reactor fuels and materials in the TREAT facility located at ANL-West (located in Idaho).

This facility is used by:
• Engineering Analysis • Nuclear Systems Analysis

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  Laser Applications Laboratory (LAL)

Laser Applications Laboratory The Laser Applications Laboratory (LAL) houses two high-power laser systems, complete with diagnostics for materials-processing functions – a 6 kW CO2 laser and a 1.6 kW pulsed Nd:YAG laser.

This facility is used by:
• Engineering Development and Applications

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  Prototype Cathode Processor (PCP)

Prototype Cathode ProcessorThe Prototype Cathode Processor (PCP) is a high-temperature vacuum furnace capable of retorting volatile components of the charge material and producing a consolidated ingot (used primarily for research on spent nuclear fuel processing).

This facility is used by:
• Engineering Development and Applications

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  Robotics Laboratory (RL)

Robotics LabThe Robotics Laboratory (RL) houses various remote manipulator systems, including the Dual Arm Work Platform, to support enhancements to teleoperation of remote systems for nuclear applications.

This facility is used by:
• Engineering Development and Applications

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  Sodium Reactor Experimental Test Facility (SRETF)

Sodium Reactor Experimental Test Facility The Sodium Reactor Experimental Test Facility (SRETF) is a fully instrumented facility for conducting and observing reaction experiments between moist gases, steam and alkali metals.

This facility is used by:
• Engineering Development and Applications

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Information published in this page may still undergo changes. We invite you to address any questions you might have concerning specific facilities to the contact person of the related Department listed below.
Thank you.

NE Department Managers

Engineering Analysis Dept.
Dept. Manager: J. Roglans
Fax: +1 630-252-4500

Nuclear Systems Analysis Dept.
Dept. Manager: Robert N. Hill
Fax: +1 630-252-4500

National Security and Non-proliferation Dept.
Dept. Manager: C. Roche
Fax: +1 630-252-7308
Web: NSNP page

Dept. Manager: Armando Travelli
Fax: +1 630-252-5161
Web: RERTR Info (TD Archive website)

Engineering Development and Applications Dept.
Dept. Manager: C. Grandy
Fax: +1 630-252-7577

Useful Links

NE Departments

NE Facilities (Listed by Department)
See which facilities are used by our Departments.

NE Programs
The Major Programs part of our diversified research and development portfolio at a glance

NE Capabilities (Listed by Department)
An overview of NE major capabilities.

ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
Operated by the University of Chicago for the U.S. Department of Energy

Last modified on July 13, 2004 15:57 +0200