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Presentation Abstracts

Tobacco Use

Prevalence of Smoking & Cessation Activity in the US: Data from the Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey, 1998-1999


Food Propensity Questionnaires (FPQs) in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES): A step in the evolution of usual dietary intake estimation

What, Exactly, is the Food Propensity Questionnaire?

Estimating the distribution of usual intake of episodically consumed foods using two 24-hour recalls and the Food Propensity Questionnaire

Comparison of Two Food Frequency Questionnaires (FFQ) to Daily Food List

Social Desirability, Social Approval, & Reports of Food Frequency

Performance of Two New Cognitively Enhanced Fruit & Vegetable Short Assessment Forms

Performance of a Short Instrument to Estimate Usual Dietary Intake of Percent Calories from Fat

Energy Expenditure Determined by Doubly Labeled Water in a Large Sample of Adults Was Substantially Greater than Energy Intake Reported in National Surveys

Physical Activity

The Association between Urban Form & Physical Activity in US Adults

Genetics & Family History

Physician's Attitudes Toward Use of Genetic Tests for Inherited Cancer Susceptibility in the United States

Multiple Risk Factors

Patterns of Adherence to Recommendations Concerning Health Behaviors in US Adults


In this section:

* Publications
* Research Summaries
* Presentation Abstracts


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