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Beating 10:1 odds, Soldier earns Silver Star

Sgt. Tommy Rieman, B Company, 3rd Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment is awarded the Purple Heart by Col. Michael Ferriter during a ceremony at Devil Field, August 6. Rieman was also awarded the Silver Star and Army Commendation medal with Sgt. Tommy Rieman, B Company, 3rd Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment is awarded the Purple Heart by Col. Michael Ferriter during a ceremony at Devil Field, August 6. Rieman was also awarded the Silver Star and Army Commendation medal with "V" device for heroism during an ambush in Iraq last year.
Pfc. Mike Pryor

In a fight, two against one is bad odds. Ten against one is a recipe for disaster. Yet those were the odds Sgt. Tommy Rieman and his squad faced and beat when they were ambushed by more than 50 anti-American insurgents near Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq last December.

Rieman, 24, a team leader in Company B, 3rd Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, was awarded the Purple Heart and the Silver Star for his heroic actions last December day during a ceremony at Devil Brigade Field August 6. He was also awarded the Army Commendation Medal with a “V” device for valor for a separate reconnaissance mission that took place in March 2003.

Rieman was in charge during the patrol that garnered him the Silver Star because he had scouted the area before and knew the terrain. His eight-man patrol was in three light-skinned Humvees with no doors when the first rocket-propelled grenade hit.

“The thing I remember most was the sound of the explosion. It was so loud,” said Rieman.

They were hit by three RPGs and a barrage of small arms fire coming from 10 dug-in enemy fighting positions. Staying in the kill zone meant certain death, so the vehicles never stopped moving. Rieman knew he had to return fire. Bullets whizzed after them as the vehicles sped away from the ambush and the Soldiers found themselves caught in another ambush.

There were maybe 50 enemy attackers blasting away at him with small arms fire from a grove of palm trees nearby. Injuries to his men were beginning to pile up. Out of his squad, Sgt. Bruce Robinson had lost his right leg in the RPG attack and Spc. Robert Macallister had been shot in the buttocks. Rieman himself had been shot in the right arm and chest, and had shrapnel wounds to his chest, stomach and ear. Worst of all, they were almost out of ammo.

He began firing away with his M203 grenade launcher, raining round after round down on the attackers. After being battered by 15 of Rieman’s 40mm grenades, the enemy’s guns were silent.

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