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White Sands Test Facility

About White Sands Test Facility

White Sands Test Facility (WSTF), located in southwestern New Mexico, has been a part of the NASA Johnson Space Center since its construction in 1963. Our primary mission is to provide the expertise and infrastructure to test and evaluate spacecraft materials, components, and rocket propulsion systems to enable the safe human exploration and utilization of space.

Scientist Operates X-ray
Photoelectron Spectroscope  
Scientist Operates X-ray
Photoelectron Spectroscope
Beginning with Project Apollo in the early 1960s, WSTF has supported every United States human exploration space flight program. We continue to play a key role in the nation's space effort by evaluating materials and components for use in propulsion, power generation, and life-support systems, crew cabin equipment, payloads, and experiments carried aboard the Shuttle Orbiter and the International Space Station. 

Over the ensuing years, numerous full-scale propulsion systems for the Apollo Service Propulsion and Lunar Modules, Space Shuttle Orbiter, and the International Space Station, as well as commercial and military upper stages and planetary exploration spacecraft, have been developed and qualified through exhaustive simulated mission duty cycle testing. WSTF is also evaluating upgraded or redesigned Shuttle Orbiter components to extend service life, enhance performance, and improve mission safety. WSTF is formally certified to perform precision cleaning and depot-level refurbishment of Shuttle orbital maneuvering engines, reaction control system thrusters, and several other flight-critical propulsion system components.

Prototype Engine Firing  
Prototype Engine Firing

2200 lb (1 Mg) Liquid Oxygen/Liquid
Hydrogen Explosion
 2200 lb (1 Mg) Liquid Oxygen/Liquid
Hydrogen Explosion

The scientific investigation of explosion phenomena at WSTF is aimed at improving safety at launch facilities and other areas where hazardous materials are used. Using ultra high-speed instrumentation to measure the effects of exploding liquid and solid propellants, we can more precisely define safety and structural requirements for new and existing launch facilities.

WSTF is a center of technical excellence in the fields of high-pressure oxygen systems and materials and rocket propellant safety. We offer:
  • Functional and performance evaluation tests
  • Hazards/failure analyses of materials, components, and complete systems
  • System design evaluation and recommendations
  • Safety training courses and manuals

We provide support to the NASA Reusable Launch Vehicle program with propulsion system test facilities, vehicle servicing, payload integration, component evaluation and refurbishment, and launch and landing support capabilities. For example, the four liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen engines in the reusable DC-X vertical takeoff and vertical landing technology demonstrator vehicle were initially test-fired at WSTF before flight. Propellant servicing equipment and related ground operations were subsequently provided to support the DC-X launches from the nearby White Sands Space Harbor (WSSH).


Similar static rocket engine testing, propellant servicing, and launch and landing support will be provided for tests of the winged, rocket-propelled suborbital X-34 reusable concept demonstration vehicle at Holloman Air Force Base. During these tests, the vehicle will be air-launched from a large carrier aircraft, flown to the fringes of space, then landed horizontally on a dry lakebed runway at WSSH.

Artist Rendition of X-34 RLV
Artist Rendition of X-34 RLV

WSTF operates two laser-leveled lakebed runways at WSSH as an alternate orbiter landing site and coordinates astronaut training in flying the critical approach and landing phase of Shuttle missions. The Shuttle Training Aircraft, specially modified jets that duplicate the controls and light characteristics of the Shuttle Orbiter, are hangared at the 
El Paso International Airport.

Services Available for Governmental and Commercial Customers

Testing Materials and Propulsion Systems
  • Ignition, flammability, odor, and offgassing
  • Materials compatibility with routine/hazardous fluids
  • Aerospace fluid systems and components
  • Hypervelocity particle impact
  • Solid/liquid rocket systems up to 60,000 lb (270 kN) thrust
    • Nine rocket engine/system test stands, including six vacuum cells
    • Long-duration high-altitude simulation
    • Off-limits and life-cycle testing

Research and Development

  • Burn-resistant alloys
  • Blast phenomena and propellant explosion studies
  • Propellant chemistry and characterization
  • Spacecraft material properties
    • Metals
    • Polymers
    • Composites

Technical Consultation

  • Hazards/failure analyses with system design evaluation and recommendations
    • Oxygen
    • Hydrogen
    • Propellant hydrazines
    • Nitrogen tetroxide
  • Cryogenic and hypergolic propellant handling

Training and Publications

  • Oxygen and hydrogen safety
  • Composite overwrapped pressure vessel damage detection
  • Training courses and safety manuals for cryogenic and hypergolic propellants

Technical Capabilities

  • Chemical, physical, and metallurgical analyses
  • Nondestructive evaluation techniques
  • State-of-the-art analytical instrumentation, including
    • Fourier transform infrared spectroscope
    • Scanning electron microscope
    • Gas chromatograph/mass spectrometers
    • Microcalorimeter
    • Auger electron spectroscopy for surface analysis
  • Flight component fabrication, cleaning, and refurbishment
  • Instrumentation calibration to National Institute of Standards and Technology

All WSTF services are available to other governmental and commercial customers. We have developed customer-friendly reimbursable agreements to streamline those business relationships and are eager to share our unique facilities and expertise with new customers. We invite your inquiries regarding application or adaptation of our capabilities to satisfy your special requirements. Briefings on general or specific subjects of mutual interest can be arranged at WSTF or at your business site.

For additional information contact Ray Melton, (505) 524-5771.

NASA-White Sands Test Facility
12600 NASA Road
Las Cruces, NM 88012

Web Accessibility and Policy Notices
Responsible NASA Official: Jim Krupovage  Curator: Judy Corbett
 Last Updated:09/23/2002