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School and Community Interventions To Prevent Serious and Violent Offending, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, October 1999. An overview of prevention programs used in schools.PDF
Science-Based Prevention Programs and Principles 2002: Effective Substance Abuse and Mental Health Programs for Every Community, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2002. This report provides information about model programs; research findings; knowledge dissemination; and issues, progress, and future directions of science-based prevention programming.PDF
Screening & Assessing Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Among Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: A Resource Guide for Practitioners, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, April 2004. This resource guide is designed to serve as a practical tool for clinicians and practitioners working with youth with mental health disorders in contact with the juvenile justice system.PDF
Screening and Referral for Substance Abuse Treatment in the Criminal Justice System, National Institute of Justice, K. Knight, D. Simpson, and M. Hiller. January 2003. This report provides information on screening instruments that can be used by correctional institutions to determine the severity of a offenders drug problem. PDF
Seizures of Drugs in the UK, 2001, Home Office, J. Airs, J. Corkery, 2003. This report presents data on drug seizures made in the UK by law enforcement. PDF
Self-Efficacy, Drug Treatment and Relapse: A Sample of Federal Prisoners, Executive Summary, Bureau of Prisons, 2000. This study tested the hypothesis that the drug treatment program was successful in increasing drug-taking self-efficacy and that this had the effect of reducing post-release drug use.   HTML
Self-Reported Delinquency by 12-Year-Olds, 1997, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Charles M. Puzzanchera, February 2000. A summary of findings from a survey of youth that asked about drug use, gang involvement, drug dealing, and handgun carrying.PDF
Serie de Reportes, La Heroina: Abuso y Adiccion, National Institute on Drug Abuse, January 2003. The Spanish language version of Heroin: Abuse and Addiction.   HTML
Serious Mental Illness and Its Co-Occurrence with Substance Use Disorders, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, C. Murtha, J. Epstein, M. Vorburger, and P. Barker. June 2004. This report presents national estimates of the prevalence and treatment of mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders among adults aged 18 or older.   HTML
Services Research Outcome Study (SROS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 1998. A study of treatment outcomes that confirms that both drug abuse and criminal behavior are reduced following drug abuse treatment.  HTML
Sheriffs' Offices, 2000, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Brian Reaves and Matthew Hickman. January 2003. This report provides information on Sheriffs' departments including the number and size of agencies, personnel, and involvement in drug enforcement activities. PDF
Short- and Long-Term Consequences of Adolescent Victimization, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Scott Menard, February 2002. This bulletin explores how being a victim of crime during adolescence affects the likelihood of certain negative outcomes in adulthood, including criminal activity, drug use, and mental health problems.PDF
Sniffer - L'Abus de Substances Inhalées--Bulletin Informatif, National Drug Intelligence Center, September 2002. Ce bulletin parle de l'abus de substances inhalées dans les États-Unis.PDF
So Help Me God: Substance Abuse, Religion, and Spirituality, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, November 2001. This study found that religion or spirituality has potential for lowering the risk of substance abuse among teens and adults. SummaryPDF
The Social Impact of Drug Abuse, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prvention, March 1995. This report examines the social and economic impact of drug abuse from a broad international perspective. PDF
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 2002, Bureau of Justice Statistics, August 2004. Data on all aspects of criminal justice, includes data about drug offenders, drug use indicators, and public opinion on the risks and dangers of drug use. Summary   
Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics 2001, United States Sentencing Commission, 2002. Data on Federal defendants that includes the number of drug offenders, drug type, drug amounts, and whether a weapon was involved.  HTML
Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics, 2002, U.S. Sentencing Commission, July 2004. This Sourcebook contains descriptive statistics on the application of the federal sentencing guidelines and provides selected district, circuit, and national sentencing data.   HTML
South Africa Country Profile on Drugs and Crime, 2002, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2002. This report presents a picture of South Africa’s current drug and crime situation, as well as the related problems of terrorism and corruption, and the countermeasures being undertaken to oppose them.PDF
The South American Cocaine Trade: An "Industry" in Transition , Drug Enforcement Administration, June 1996. This report provides an overview of the South American cocaine trade including information about drug trafficking groups, operations to combat cocaine smuggling, and cocaine production.   HTML
South Carolina Drug Threat Assessment, National Drug Intelligence Center, December 2001. This report is a strategic assessment that addresses the status and outlook of the drug threat to South Carolina. PDF
South Carolina Drug Threat Assessment Update, National Drug Intelligence Center, June 2002. This report is a brief update to the South Carolina Drug Threat Assessment, which is a strategic assessment of the status and outlook of the drug threat to South Carolina. PDF
Southeast Asian Heroin Smuggling Methods: Containerized Cargo, Drug Enforcement Administration, September 2001. This report provides an overview of the characteristics of containerized smuggling methods.  HTML
Southwest Asian Heroin-Selected Data, Drug Enforcement Administration, March 2002. This report provides information on Southwest Asian herion production, trafficking, and distribution in the U.S. market.   HTML
Speaking Out Against Drug Legalization, Drug Enforcement Administration, November 2002. This booklet provides factual assertions that presents an accurate picture of America’s experience with drug use and what might happen if a more permissive policy on drug abuse is adopted.  HTML
Special Drug Courts: Program Brief, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Steven Belenko and Tamara Dumanovsky, Novemebr 1993. An overview of special drug courts.PDF
St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Drug Information System Annual National Report, 2002, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, June 2003. This report provides an overview of the drug problem in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. PDF
The State and Local Law Enforcement Equipment Procurement Program, Bureau of Justice Assistance, May 1999. An overview of a program that provides state and local units of government with the capacity for purchasing counterdrug equipment at reduced prices through federal procurement channels.PDF
State Court Organization 1998, Bureau of Justice Statistics, David B. Rottman, Carol R. Flango, Melissa T. Cantrell, Randall Hansen, et al, June 2000. Provides data about drug courts and shows when drug courts were first implemented in each state. SummaryPDF
State Court Sentencing of Convicted Felons, 1996, Bureau of Justice Statistics, D. Levin, J. Brown, P. Langan, February 2000. Provides detailed information about offenders convicted in State courts and includes specific information about drug offenders. SummaryPDF
State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Volume I. Findings, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2002. This report presents State estimates for 17 measures related to substance use based on the 1999 and 2000 National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse.PDF
State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Volume I. Findings, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, D. Wright, September 2003. This report provides State level data on measures of substance use, dependence, and receipt of treatment.  HTML
State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Volume II. Individual State Tables and Technical Appendices, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2003. This report provides State level data on measures of substance use, dependence, and receipt of treatment.  HTML
State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, D. Wright, August 2004. This report presents State estimates for 20 measures of substance use or mental health problems based on the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH).PDF
State of Knowledge of Drug-Impaired Driving, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, D. Shinar, J. Walsh, and R. Jones. August 2003. This review covers a broad range of research, including the detection and measurement of drugs in drivers, experimental research on the effect of drugs on the performance driving-related tasks, drug prevalence in various populations of drivers, drug-crash risk, and countermeasures for drug-impaired driving. Summary  HTML
Statistics on Drug Use in Australia 2000, The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Glenn Draper, Megge Miller, May 2001. This publication is intended as an accessible summary of major drug-use statistical collections, which lead interested readers to the sources of more detailed information.PDF
Staying in Treatment: How Much Difference is There From Prison to Prison? Executive Summary, Bureau of Prisons, 2001. The purpose of this study was to provide knowledge about treatment retention within a prison-based setting.PDF
Staying in Treatment: How Much Difference is There From Prison to Prison?, Bureau of Prisons, B. Pelissier, M. Motivans, S. Camp, 2001. This is the first study which examines the effects of individual and program level characteristics on treatment attrition within a prison-based setting.PDF
Step Up: A Guide for Teens, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2004. An informative brochure empowers teens to step up and help a friend or sibling who uses drugs or drinks by providing tips, signs and symptoms to look for, and suggestions on how to broach the difficult conversation with a friend. PDF
Steroid Abuse By Law Enforcement Personnel, Drug Enforcement Administration, March 2004. This guide helps police officers understand why anabolic steroids are being abused, and how they can educate law enforcement personnel and others about the dangers of these drugs. PDF
Steroid Abuse By School Age Children, Drug Enforcement Administration, March 2004. This guide helps parents and educators understand why steroids are being misused, and how they can provide counseling and implement procedures to educate youth about the dangers of these drugs. PDF
Steroid Abuse in Today's Society, Drug Enforcement Administration, March 2004. This guide will help you understand why steroids are being abused, and how you can educate athletes and others about the dangers of these drugs. PDF
Steroids Facts & Figures , Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on steroids with links to source materials.  HTML
Straight Facts about Drugs and Alcohol, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 1999. Information on specific drugs, identifying if someone has a drug problem, and how to get help.  HTML
Strategic Approaches to Clandestine Drug Laboratory Enforcement, Bureau of Justice Assistance, September 1999. This report provides an overview of the Clandestine Laboratory Model Enforcement Program. PDF
Strategizer: Marijuana - Debunking the Myths , Office of National Drug Control Policy, March 2003. This report provides accurate information about the harmful effects of marijuana, misperceptions, and prevention strategies. PDF
Street Gangs and Drug Sales in Two Surburban Cities, National Institute of Justice, Cheryl L. Maxson, July 1995. The results of a study to determine the level of street gang involvement in drug sales arrests in two Los Angeles suburban cities. SummaryPDF
Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, February 2004. The Street Terms database contains over 2,000 street terms that refer to specific drug types or drug activity. SummaryPDF
Stress & Substance Abuse: Community Drug Alert Bulletin, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2002. The Alert is part of NIDA's effort to ensure that clinicians, researchers, and members of the public have the most reliable and timely information available on stress and drug abuse.   HTML
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics Source Book 1998, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 1998. A compilation of data on substance abuse and mental health.PDF
Substance Abuse and the Criminal Justice System: Summit of Stakeholders, Office of National Drug Control Policy, June 1999. This report provides the proceedings of the Stakeholders summit that brought together experts from various private and public organizations. PDF
Substance Abuse and Treatment of Adults on Probation 1995, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Christopher J. Mumola and Thomas P. Bonczar, March 1998. Data from a survey of adult probationers concerning their use of alcohol and illegal drugs and the treatment they received. SummaryPDF
Substance Abuse and Treatment of State and Federal Prisoners, 1997, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Christopher J. Mumola, December 1998. Presents data from a survey of inmates concerning their use of alcohol and illegal drugs and the treatment they received. SummaryPDF
Substance Abuse Treatment in Adult and Juvenile Correctional Facilities, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2000. A survey of correctional facilities providing on-site substance abuse treatment.PDF
Substance Abuse Treatment Programs in the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Report to Congress, Federal Bureau of Prisons, January 1999. The report describes drug treatment opportunities for inmates in the Bureau, and data on the number of inmates in drug programs.PDF
Substance Abuse: The Nation’s Number One Health Problem, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Nels Ericson. May 2001. Describes a report published by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, that tracks trends in adult and youth smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use over the past three decades. PDF
Substance Dependence, Abuse and Treatment: Findings from the 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2002. This report presents information on national estimates of the extent of substance dependence, abuse, and treatment.   HTML
Substance Misuse Treatment Needs of Minority Prisoner Groups: Women, Young Offenders, and Ethnic Minorities, Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, 2003. This report summarizes a study that assessed the treatment needs of women, male young offenders, and ethnic minorities in England.PDF
Substance Use Among Adults on Probation: Findings from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 1995-1997, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Angela Brittingham, Sam Schildhaus, and Joe Gfroerer, October 1998. Compares drug use between probationers and non-probationers.  HTML
Substance Use in Popular Movies and Music, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 1999. This study examines the frequency and nature of substance use in the most popular movie rentals and songs of 1996 and 1997.  HTML
Substance Use in Popular Music Videos, Office of National Drug Control Policy, June 2002. This study examines the frequency and nature of portrayals of illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in music videos - a medium that appeals primarily to teenagers and young adults. PDF
Substance Use in Popular Prime-Time Television, January 2000, Office of National Drug Control Policy, January 2000. This study examines the frequency and nature of substance use in top-rated TV shows.  HTML
Summary of Adult Drug Court Activity by State and County, Drug Court Clearinghouse and Technical Assistance Project, November 2003. Provides data on adult drug courts that have been implemented or are being planned.PDF
Summary of Drug Court Activity by State and County, Drug Court Clearinghouse and Technical Assistance Project, September 2004. Provides the number of drug courts that have been operating for over 2 years, recently been implemented, and those that are being planned.PDF
Summary of Findings from the 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2001. This report presents information on rates of use, numbers of users, and other measures related to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. PDF
Summary of Juvenile and Family Drug Court Activity by State and County, Drug Court Clearinghouse and Technical Assistance Project, November 2003. Provides data on juvenile and family drug courts that have been implemented or are being planned.PDF
Summary of Key Findings of a Process Evaluation of the Ozark Correctional Center Drug Treatment Program, National Institute of Justice, Donald Linhorst, March 2000. This report summaries the key findings from the process evaluation of the Ozark Correctional Center Drug Treatment Program (OCCDTP). PDF
Summary of Tribal Drug Court Activity by State and County, Drug Court Clearinghouse and Technical Assistance Project, November 2003. Provides the number of Tribal drug courts that have been implemented and are being planned.PDF
Supporting Democracy and Human Rights: ONDCP Fact Sheet, Office of National Drug Control Policy, January 2002. An overview of U.S. efforts to support democracy and human rights initiatives in Latin America and Caribbean nations.  HTML
Supporting the Drug Court Process: What You Need To Know for Effective Decisionmaking and Program Evaluation, Bureau of Justice Assistance, February 2003. This report was written to help those who are planning, implementing, or operating adult drug courts to understand the critical importance of the availability of a wide range of timely, accurate, and complete information.PDF
Suriname Drug Information Network Annual National Report 2002, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, December 2002. This report provides information on the drug problem in Suriname. PDF
Survey of State Prison Inmates 1991, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Allen Beck, Darrell Gilliard, Lawrence Greenfeld, and Caroline Harlow, et. al., March 1993. Provides a profile of State prison inmates, including drug-related information. SummaryPDF
Survey of State Procedures Related to Firearm Sales, Midyear 2002, Bureau of Justice Statistics, April 2003. The report provides an overview of firearm check procedures in each State, includes information on persons prohibited from purchasing firearms due to a drug conviction or addiction. SummaryPDF
Susceptibility of PharmChek Drugs of Abuse Patch to Environmental Contamination, National Institute of Justice, D.A. Kidwell, Ph.D. and F.P. Smith, Ph.D., September 2002. This paper explores some of the variables affecting how drugs from the external environment can enter the patch, tests cleaning human skin after the contamination with known amounts of drugs, and the persistence of drugs placed on skin.PDF
Suspect Your Teen Is Using Drugs or Drinking? A Brief Guide to Action For Parents, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2004. This guide covers the challenges parents face, signs and symptoms to look for if they suspect their teen is using illicit drugs, suggestions for starting a discussion and what parents can do and say to keep their children drug free.PDF

Last Updated: October 6, 2004

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