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Remote Sensing Internet Resources
Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only. Links to non-government pages are supplied as potential resources of further information on related topics. Endorsement by the U.S. Government is neither expressed nor implied.
The exclamation mark denotes new links as of 15 February 2000
General Remote Sensing Information and Links Resources
SPOT Image Web Site: Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES). Information about the French SPOT satellites: how it works, how to use and where to buy the data.
Satellite Observing Systems Ltd: data services and expert consultancy on the use of satellite information for operations in the marine environment. Project information and images online.
SeaWifs: NASA GSFC global ocean color monitoring mission
The Remote Sensing Tutorial: An excellent, indepth tutorial on remote sensing, image interpretation and analysis, processes, tools, and terrestrial and planetary applications.
NOAA Photo Collection! Over 10,000 Photos and Images! The NOAA photograph and image collection has been produced to help those interested in studying our natural world learn more about our oceans, the atmosphere, and the history of the pioneers who began the study of our environment in the United States. Browse such collections of great photos of corals, satellite imagery and launches, aquatic animals, storms, plus coastal land and seascapes of Alaska, Antarctica, and much, much more!
GeoCommunity: Free geography software, USGS digital topo maps, games, news, and more!
Remote Sensing Lab: University of South Carolina. Information about education, classes, and projects, as well as excellent links to USGS, NASA, remote sensing image archive resources. A 'kid safe' site devoted to educational and fun links. A wonderful source for links to earth science, remote sensing, geology, mapping, and exploration sites that stir the imagination. Requires Java capable browser.
Terrain Modeling, Visualization, and Mapping -- The First On-Line Resource Devoted To Internet-based GIS
Geomantics -- Terrain Modeling Package for scientific and artistic products
Modeling: Paul Bourke Homepage -- concerned with 3D modelling, not limited to terrain and landscape visualization. Site also features galleries and information about 3D formats, data formats, discrete mathematics, games, and software.
World Construction Set -- scientific and artistic terrain modelling and rendering software and galleries
Animatek -- World Builder artistic virtual terrain generation software
Anaglyph Imagery
Rainbow Symphony: 3D glasses distributor - large gallery of 3D anaglyph photography and art; with the exception of including several Mars Pathfinder mission and astronomy images, this site doesn't contain remotely sensed images