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Passed in 1966, the Freedom of Information Act provides the public and industry a means of acquiring information about Federal Government activities.


Penny L. Myers, FOIA Officer

Submitting FOIA Requests
Documents are available in Adobe Acrobat's PDF Format. If you do not have Acrobat you may download it for free at Adobe's web site.
Guide for FOIA Requestors
Make a FOIA request
Availability of Agency Records to the Public
Schedule of Fees

All NASA FOIA Centers
Ames Research Center
Dryden Flight Research Center
Glenn Reserach Center
Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA Headquarters
Johnson Space Center
Langley Research Center
Marshall Space Flight Center
Stennis Space Center
List of All NASA FOIA Contacts

FOIA-Related Sites
NASA Headquarter's FOIA Home Page
U.S. Department of Justice
NASA's Federal Register Notice
Sources of Public Information
KSC Electronic Reading Room
National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center
Government Information Locator Service (GILS)
NASA Scientific and Technical Information Program (STI-CASI)
NASA KSC Technical Report Server (NTRS)
NASA Online Directive Information System (NODIS)
NASA KSC Procurement
U.S. Superintendent of Documents
Space Shuttle Manifest
UFO Information

Other Points of Interest
NASA Kennedy Space Center Home Page
NASA Kennedy Space Center Media Resources
KSC News Releases and Fact Sheets
KSC Shuttle Status Reports
NASA and KSC Electronic Images
Space Shuttle Launch Schedule
Space Shuttle Launch Viewing Passes
NASA Home Page
KSC Organization Chart

Page Last Revised Page & Curator Information
February 6, 2004 Curator: Kay Grinter ( -- InDyne, Inc.
Responsible Official: Penny L. Myers (
Web Development: JBOSC Web Development Team
A service of the NASA/Kennedy Space Center
External Relations and Business Development Directorate:
Lisa A. Malone, Director