National Cancer Institute Technology
Small Business Funding Opportunities
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Mark your calendars:
The 6th Annual NIH SBIR/STTR Conference will be held June 23–24, 2004, at NIH.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) welcomes grant applications from small businesses in any biomedical or behavioral research area as described in the solicitations below.

Small business awards are categorized into two programs - Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR). Small business funding awards support particular stages in the development cycle. Phase I awards support feasibility studies, and Phase II awards support research and development.

The guidelines for award amounts and duration differ by phase and program. Nevertheless, applicants may propose longer periods of time and greater amounts of funds necessary for completion of the project with appropriate scientific justification.

  Phase I Phase II
SBIR 6 months/$100,000 2 years/$750,000
STTR 1 year/$100,000 2 years/$500,000
(through FY 2003)

2 years/$750,000
(beginning FY 2004)

Interested applicants have three methods of applying.

1. Submit investigator-initiated proposals of relevance to any subject in cancer research through the NIH SBIR/STTR Grant Omnibus Solicitation December 1, 2003
April 1, 2004
August 1, 2004
2. Submit proposals in response to targeted technical topics in the NIH annually released SBIR Contract Solicitation Varies with each announcement
3. Submit proposals in response to targeted SBIR/STTR program announcements that are issued throughout the year Varies with each announcement

Available Program Announcements:

In addition to the general opportunities available in the omnibus solicitation, the following NCI SBIR/STTR focused announcements are available:

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