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Frequently Asked Questions
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This page provides a list of commonly asked questions. Included in the answers below are links to additional information. If you don't see the answer to your particular question, contact the appropriate office by email or telephone.

General Questions

How to Register

Commitments of Traders

Customer Protection

Exchanges & Products

Employment Opportunities

Law & Regulation

The CFTC has compiled a glossary of words used throughout the industry to assist you in understanding the terms.

  • How do I register as a futures professional?

    The CFTC has delegated registration responsibilities to the National Futures Association (NFA). The NFA web site provides information about the registration process. NFA's Information Center can also be reached by telephone at (312) 781-1410. In addition, NFA's web site includes several related publications that may be of assistance.
  • Where can I get help if I have a problem with my broker or account?

    If you have a dispute arising out of your commodity futures or options account, first try to resolve the problem with your broker and his or her supervisor at the firm which employs or guarantees the broker. If that fails, commodity futures customers have several options for resolving disputes: (1) the CFTC Reparations Program, (2) NFA's Arbitration program; or (3) court litigation. In selecting a particular approach, you may want to consider the cost, length of time involved and whether or not assistance of an attorney is required.