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Royalty-In-Kind Pilot
Royalty-in-Kind Operational Project:
Crude Oil for Small Refiners


Current Program
  • MMS provides approximately 50,000 bbls/day of crude oil in the Gulf and 10,000 bbls/day in the Pacific for the Small Refiner Program.
  • Contracts are issued under competitive bid to eligible small refiners for 6 month or 1 year term contracts.
The purpose of the small refiner program is to provide small refiners with access to adequate supplies of crude oil at equitable prices. The program is authorized by the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (MLA) and the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act of 1953 (OCSLA).
Recently many improvements have been made in the RIK program:
  • Selling the royalty oil through a competitive bid process provides price certainty for refiners by eliminating valuation challenges during audit.
  • Selling the royalty oil through a competitive bid process provides price certainty for refiners by eliminating valuation challenges during audit.
  • Charging a fair market value for its royalty share achieves the RIK program intent to provide small refiners with a reliable supply of inventory at equitable prices.
  • RMP nominates oil volumes with operators. This eliminates many of the imbalance problems of the past by having RMP involvement in the front end of the process.
  • Refiners will pay on actual deliveries they receive subject to review. This change solves many of the over/under delivery problems experienced under the previous program’s billing based on operators’ reported data.
  • Operators will no longer report RIK sales on 2014’s other than to report transportation deductions and gravity bank adjustments.
  • Imbalances will be kept to a minimum due to the new nomination process and a real time reconciliation process. Any imbalance identified during the reconciliation process from one month will be corrected using the next month’s nomination process.