National Cyber Alert System
The Cyber Security Alert System provides all citizensfrom computer security professionals to home computer userswith free, timely, actionable information to better secure their computer systems.
Mailing list instructions
Review the following descriptions and follow the directions to ensure
you receive the products that are best suited to meet your Internet
security needs. The technical documents are intended for experienced
users and administrators, the non-technical documents are intended for
home and corporate computer users.
Technical Documents
- Technical Cyber Security Alerts
Technical Cyber Security Alerts provide real-time information about current security issues, vulnerabilities, and exploits.
- You can receive Technical Cyber Security Alerts directly via email. Join our mailing list using one of the following methods:
Method 1: Automatic |
Simply follow this link to
automatically construct a message.
An email message window should appear. If your email program added any
text (such as a signature) after the 'subscribe technical-alerts' line, delete
the additional text before you send the email.
Method 2: Manual |
Send an email to In the body of the message, type
subscribe technical-alerts
Be sure that nothing else is in the body of the message, not even a signature line.
One last step:
You will receive email from US-CERT asking you to confirm your address. This
helps ensure that no one else can sign you up without your knowledge. To finalize your subscription, you will need to reply to the confirmation message with the word accept in the body of your response. If you decide not to accept, respond to the confirmation with the word reject in the message body.
- To remove your name from the mailing list, send email to In the body of the message, type unsubscribe technical-alerts.
Note: We do not release the names or email addresses on our mailing list.
- Cyber Security Bulletins
Cyber Security Bulletins are intended for technical audiences. The bulletins provide weekly summaries of security issues and new vulnerabilities. The bulletins also provide patches, work-arounds, and other actions to help mitigate risk.
- You can receive Cyber Security Bulletins directly via email. Join our mailing list using one of the following methods:
Method 1: Automatic |
Simply follow this link to
automatically construct a message.
An email message window should appear. If your email program added any text (such as a signature) after the 'subscribe security-bulletins' line, delete the additional text before you send the email.
Method 2: Manual |
Send an email to In the body of the message, type
subscribe security-bulletins
Be sure that nothing else is in the body of the message, not even a signature line.
One last step:
You will receive email from US-CERT asking you to confirm your address. This
helps ensure that no one else can sign you up without your knowledge. To finalize your subscription, you will need to reply to the confirmation message with the word accept in the body of your response. If you decide not to accept, respond to the confirmation with the word reject in the message body.
- To remove your name from the mailing list, send email to In the body of the message, type unsubscribe security-bulletins.
Note: We do not release the names or email addresses on our mailing list.
Non-Technical Documents
- Cyber Security Alerts
Cyber Security Alerts provide real-time information about current security issues, vulnerabilities, and exploits. Cyber Security Alerts are released in conjunction with Technical Cyber Security Alerts when there is an issue that affects the general public. Cyber Security Alerts outline the steps and actions that non-technical home and corporate computer users can take to protect themselves from attack.
- You can receive Cyber Security Alerts directly via email. Join our mailing list using one of the following methods:
Method 1: Automatic |
Simply follow this link to
automatically construct a message.
An email message window should appear. If your email program added any text (such as a signature) after the 'subscribe alerts' line, delete the additional text before you send the email.
Method 2: Manual |
Send an email to In the body of the message, type
subscribe alerts
Be sure that nothing else is in the body of the message, not even a signature line.
One last step:
You will receive email from US-CERT asking you to confirm your address. This
helps ensure that no one else can sign you up without your knowledge. To finalize your subscription, you will need to reply to the confirmation message with the word accept in the body of your response. If you decide not to accept, respond to the confirmation with the word reject in the message body.
- To remove your name from the mailing list, send email to In the body of the message, type unsubscribe alerts.
Note: We do not release the names or email addresses on our mailing list.
- Cyber Security Tips
Cyber Security Tips describe common security issues and offer advice for non-technical home and corporate computer users. Although each Cyber Security Tip is restricted to a single topic, complex issues may span multiple tips. Each tip builds upon the knowledge, both terminology and content, of those published prior to it.
- Cyber Security Tips are available on the web at
- You can also receive Cyber Security Tips directly via email. Join our mailing list using one of the following methods:
Method 1: Automatic |
Simply follow this link to
automatically construct a message.
An email message window should appear. If your email program added any text (such as a signature) after the 'subscribe security-tips' line, delete the additional text before you send the email.
Method 2: Manual |
Send an email to In the body of the message, type
subscribe security-tips
Be sure that nothing else is in the body of the message, not even a signature line.
One last step:
You will receive email from US-CERT asking you to confirm your address. This
helps ensure that no one else can sign you up without your knowledge. To finalize your subscription, you will need to reply to the confirmation message with the word accept in the body of your response. If you decide not to accept, respond to the confirmation with the word reject in the message body.
- To remove your name from the mailing list, send email to In the body of the message, type unsubscribe security-tips.
Note: We do not release the names or email addresses on our mailing list.