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Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Final Report
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Pancreatic cancer is disproportionately underrepresented in both clinical and basic research compared with other cancer sites. Several factors may be contributing to this marginal research base in pancreatic cancer. Scientific investigators with interest and expertise in this area comprise a very small cadre. Pancreatic cancer care is complicated, requiring a multidisciplinary approach, and despite our best efforts, outcomes are nearly always disappointing. To build a robust laboratory, clinical, and population science research program for this disease demands unusual effort that currently is made more difficult by a lack of key resources, such as appropriate preservation of pancreatic tissue and key reagents for translational studies. No specialized scientific infrastructure exists to support training or funding for pancreatic cancer research. Yet novel approaches and unique commitments will be necessary to make progress against pancreatic cancer. Advances in other diseases suggest that increased investment in pancreatic cancer research can be expected to yield dramatic progress.

(From Pancreatic Cancer: An Agenda for Action -- The Report of the Pancreatic Cancer Progress Review Group)

Pancreatic Cancer Resources

Other U.S. Government Resources

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Department of Health and Human Services


Last updated 05.11.04 (fsc)