Why DQOs?
Case Studies
VSP Software
Other Software
Hanford DQO
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Many papers, presentations, guidance documents, reports, and newsletters have been written about implementing, and experience with, the DQO Process. We can only list a subset here - primarily ones that the PNNL staff have contributed to or written. The most important documents are the DQO and related Guidance Documents from EPA's Quality Staff. EPA was the original developer of the DQO Process and continues to require EPA organizations to use a systematic planning process to assure that data used for decisions are sufficient and adequate for their intended use. The DQO Process is the preferred planning process.

DOE Sites

Department of Energy Portal Search for software, publications, and reports. Office of Scientific and Technical Information. DOE Information Bridge.

Publications and news related to Department of Energy. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL).

Characterization, Monitoring & Sensor Technology Crosscutting Program (CMST Team Site). Publications and news on Characterization, Monitoring, & Sensor Technology.

Publications and news on technologies, characterization and monitoring methods, and tools from the perspective of DOE site personnel who have used them. Success stories, technology transfer, and experiences. DOE Environmental Mangement's Technology Information Exchange (TIE).

EPA Web Sites

Hazardous Waste Clean-up Information Web Site (Clu-In). Lists programs, publications, technology vendors primarily associated with innovative treatment technologies and site characterization.

US EPA Office of Technology Innovation (TIO). Library of general site characterization documents and software, including software for placement of samples, data assessment, QA/QC tools, physical modelling tools, and many more.

Hanford Site Reports

This Site

Information Contact: Brent Pulsipher
Statistical Sciences
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory