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The Simplified Network Application Process (SNAP)

[For the Submission of License Applications, Commodity Classification Requests, and High Performance Computer Notices]

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the Simplified Network Application Process or SNAP?
  2. When will SNAP be available?
  3. Is there a fee to use SNAP?
  4. What kind of software do I need to use SNAP?
  5. I already submit electronically to BIS and have an Applicant ID and PIN but I can’t access SNAP?
  6. How can I get started submitting my applications to BIS via SNAP?
  7. Are there new procedures for supporting documents?
  8. What are some of the features of SNAP?
  9. Can I view BIS acknowledgments and final validations using SNAP?
  10. I have an Applicant ID and PIN but I'm leaving my company. What should I do?
  11. Where can I find the latest information about SNAP?
  12. How do I get technical support for SNAP?

1. What is the Simplified Network Application Process or SNAP?

SNAP is a web-based system that enables exporters to submit export and re-export license applications, high performance computer notices and commodity classification requests directly to BIS via the Internet in a secure environment.

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2. When will SNAP be available?

SNAP is available now!

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3. Is there a fee to use SNAP?

No. SNAP is a free service to the exporting community.

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4. What kind of software do I need to use SNAP?

All you need is Internet access and an 128-bit browser to ensure secure data transmissions.

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5. I already submit electronically to BIS and have an Applicant ID and PIN but I can’t access SNAP?

You do not have automatic access to SNAP. You must update your account by faxing your name, phone number and complete company name and address to BIS at 202- 482-1733, 202-219-9179 or 202-482-9182 attn: Lenora Baylor.

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6. How can I get started submitting my applications to BIS via SNAP?

If you have not submitted electronically to BIS in the past, you need to obtain a PIN from BIS. To do that, you should access the "PIN Request" package and copy/paste the Company Certification Letter onto your company’s letterhead. Original signatures on the certification letter are required. Your request for a PIN cannot be faxed or emailed to BIS. Exporters must follow-up with a call to BIS to obtain their ID and PIN. Additional information about requesting an Applicant ID and PIN can be found in Section 748.7 of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

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7. Are there new procedures for supporting documents?

No. You should continue to mail, fax or courier documentation to support your electronic submission. Applications are electronically forwarded to a licensing officer several times a day to begin the analysis of the end-use and end-user. As soon as the support documentation arrives, it is matched up with the license application.

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8. What are some of the features of SNAP?

9. Can I view BIS acknowledgments and final validations using SNAP?

Yes, you will receive an acknowledgment that contains the Application Control Number (ACN). Final validations may include either an: electronic license facsimile; electronic commodity classification facsimile; or, electronic NDAA notification facsimile. Exporters may ship based on the terms and conditions of the electronic copy rather than waiting for the duplicate hard copy on BIS letterhead.

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10. I have an Applicant ID and PIN but I'm leaving my company. What should I do?

Your company should notify BIS as soon as possible to have the ID and PIN deactivated. BIS cannot be held accountable for misuse of IDs and PINs.

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11. Where can I find the latest information about SNAP?

The BIS web site will always have the most current information available. Look for the "Internet License Submissions to BIS" link on the BIS home page.

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12. How do I get technical support for SNAP?

Technical Support is available from BIS's Exporter Counseling Division. Please call 202-482-4811 and select "Option 3 - Electronic Services." The Western Regional Office is also available to assist you at 949-660-0144 or 408-998-7402. You may also contact Export Counseling by using our on-line form.

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Remember, you can save days in the processing of your export license applications and other submissions by filing via SNAP.

"It's a SNAP and we want you to be part of it!"



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