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Strategy and Analysis Directorate (J5)

The Strategy and Analysis Directorate (J5) helps the command accomplish its various roles as transformer, integrator, trainer, force provider and joint experimenter, by developing strategy and policy, and writing and maintaining contingency plans to support the commander's mission.

The mission of the J5 directorate consists of developing strategy, policy, and deliberate war and contingency plans for the commander of the U.S. Joint Forces Command

Some of the major responsibilities of the J5 currently include:

• Develop and maintain the strategy for JFCOM to conduct its usual and every day business, as well as respond to crisis situations, including: USJFCOM Command Strategy; USJFCOM Transformation Strategy; and, USJFCOM Transformation Campaign Plan.
• Prepare and review the command's input for Joint Strategic Planning System products.
• Conduct assessments and analysis of transformation requirements and progress.
• Develop and manage the command's strategic communications program.
• Manage the command's international programs.

The directorate also continues to work toward the development of the command's Transformation Strategy and Transformation Campaign Plan to ensure that the command's transformation activities, objectives, and milestones are fully integrated into, and synchronized with, the command's planning and programming strategy.

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Recent Transformation News

USJFCOM announces training milestone
One of the centerpieces of joint training's transformation recently reached its initial operating capability with an ultimate goal of joint warfighters who train in live, virtual, and constructive environments will experience realistic warfighting conditions.
More about the Joint National Training Capability

U.S. Joint Forces Command 1562 Mitscher Ave. Suite 200 Norfolk, Va. 23551-2488 757-836-6555/DSN 836-6555