 STAR results
 Working groups
 Physics links



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physics working groups

The physics of star can be divided into several topics, with many overlaps between topics. In STAR, each of these topics is explored within a physics working group which develops the analysis techniques and software needed to focus on its interests.

Event by event pwg
Convenors: Declan Keane, Gary Westfall
Links: Event by event www page
Event by event protected area
Event structure pwg
Convenors: Lanny Ray
Links: Event structure www page
Event structure protected area
HBT pwg
Convenors: Fabrice Retiere, Sergei Panitkin
Links: HBT www page
HBT protected area
Heavy flavor pwg
Convenors: Huan Huang, Thomas Ullrich
Links: Heavy flavor protected area
High-pT pwg
Convenors: Carl Gagliardi, Kirill Filimonov
Links: High-pT protected area
Peripheral collisions pwg
Convenors: Spencer Klein, Janet Seger
Links: Peripheral collisions www page
Peripheral collisions protected area
Spectra pwg
Convenors: Olga Barannikova, Zhangbu Xu
Links: Spectra protected area
Spin pwg
Convenors: Akio Ogawa, Hal Spinka
Links: Spin www page
Spin protected area
Strangeness pwg
Convenors: Rene Bellwied, Matthew Lamont
Links: Strangeness www page
Strangeness protected area

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