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Depository Library
Locate a Federal Depository Library
publications and other information products are made available for free
public use in Federal depository libraries throughout the United States.
In addition to the publications, trained librarians are available to assist
in their use.
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in Federal Depository Libraries | Locate a Federal
Depository Library
Locate a Federal Depository Library (FDL):
Map of FDLs | Search FDLs by State,
Commonwealth, or Territory | Search FDLs by
Area Code | Search FDLs by Congressional District
| View all FDLs
- Clickable map of Federal depository libraries.

Districts #. Enter 00 as the district
number for the following states:
- Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont,
and Wyoming. These states have no traditional
Congressional districts, but each is served by one Member- At- Large
for the whole state.
- American Samoa, Guam, Micronesia-FSM (enter FM), Puerto Rico, Virgin
Islands, and Washington, DC. These commonwealths
and territories have no Congressional representatives, but do have
a non-voting delegate, except Micronesia-FSM that has none, and Puerto
Rico that has a resident commissioner.