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What’s on Our Web Site
LLNL-IRB meeting dates, submission deadlines, contacts, current IRB members, and Federalwide Assurance #00004274 (exp. date 02/26/06).
Links to federal, state, and agency regulations for human subjects’ protection.
Required reading for every PI who has not previously submitted an IRB protocol for review by the LLNL IRB. In submitting a protocol form, a PI certifies that he/she has read this section and will conform to its guidelines.
Guidance and instructions for preparing a protocol package for review, the elements of consent, and the responsibilities of the researcher.
Decision tree for determining the level of IRB review and steps to secure IRB approval.
Link to Human Subjects Research Training Tutorial.
Answers to our most frequently asked questions.
Links to downloadable forms for review requests.
Links to Web resources regarding the protection of human subjects.
Articles and upcoming activities of interest pertaining to the human subjects research community as well as changes or additions to our Web site.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) imposes special requirements on investigators who use and/or disclose protected health information (PHI) in research.
Search the IRB Web site.

UCRL-MI-128349 Rev. 2 | July 6, 2004 | Contact IRB


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