United States Department of Agriculture Feedback Products Employees GPSR Online Agricultural Research Service GPSR

Great Plains Systems Research Unit 

2150 Centre Avenue, Building  "D", Suite 200

Fort Collins, Colorado USA, 80526 

Phone Number:  (970) 492-7300 

Fax Number:  (970) 492-7310 

Email:  GPSR_Email@ars.usda.gov

The Great Plains System Research Unit (GPSR) is a research group of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS). GPSR Quick Menu- Tips

GPSR develops and implements state-of-the-art simulation models RZWQM, GPFARM, decision support systems (GPFARM Information System), and other products aimed at improving our understanding of how agricultural systems work and how we can best manage them. We are concerned with sustaining integrated agricultural production systems while minimizing destructive impacts on the environment and maintaining economic viability.

Unit History
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Agriculture Links
GPFARM Information System

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Useful Links
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Great Plains Systems Research Unit 


2150 Centre Avenue

Building  "D", Suite 200

Fort Collins, Colorado USA, 80526 


Phone Number:  (970) 492-7300 


Fax Number:  (970) 492-7310 


Email:  GPSR_Email@ars.usda.gov

All Rights Reserved, Great Plains Systems Research Unit, ©2002

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