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Research Units
      Channel & Watershed Processes
      Upland Erosion Processes
      Water Quality & Ecological Proc.

      Gully Conference 2004

      Goodwin Creek
      James Creek
      Little Topashaw Creek
      USDA Flood Control Dams

      Bank Stability and Toe Erosion

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National Sedimentation Laboratory
Front View of the Sedimentation Laboratory

      The research program at the National Sedimentation Laboratory (NSL) emphasizes interdisciplinary research dealing with the processes of soil erosion; transport and deposition of sediment; movement of chemicals on upland areas and in streams; the impact of agricultural practices, in-stream structures, and bank protection on these processes; water quality; and the ecological well-being of streams. Research ranges from basic and fundamental research to applied research and technology transfer for federal and state action agencies. This cooperation has allowed NSL to conduct research related to bio-indicators, numerical modeling, and acoustical measurements and to make progress that would not occur otherwise.