Central Great Plains Research Station 
USDA-ARS / NRCS / CSU cooperating in Akron, Colorado 
1907 - 2004

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Natural Resources Conservation Service

Dryland Cropping Systems Project


Colorado Conservation Tillage Association

Secretary Ann Venneman's Civil Rights Policy Statement

Our Mission: To enhance the economic and environmental well-being of agriculture by development of integrated cropping systems and technologies for maximum use of soil and water resources. Emphasis is on efficient use of plant nutrients, pesticides, and water and soil conservation / preservation.      
   Established in 1907, the Central Great Plains Research Station has served over 90 years as a link between producers and the latest practical research available in the field of agriculture.

Our new soil scientist, Francisco Calderón has arrived.  His research interests include Mycorrhizae, Soil microbial ecology, soil C cycling, and Dryland Crop Rotations

Stop in and say HI


       Our Research

CSU Links

Colorado State Univ. Wheat Variety Trials

Colorado State Univ. Co-op Extension

Sustainable Dryland Agroecosystem Mangement

Tech Bulletin 2000 Crop Year

Colorado Ag. Tech Bulletins

Links of Interest
Agricultural Research Service

Northern Plains Area

National Agricultural Library

Related Links
 Associations, Other Agencies, Information Sources

Contact us in Akron by:
Phone:   970-345-2259
Mail:    40335 County Road GG
             Akron, CO 80720 U.S.A.
FAX:      970-345-2088
Electronic mail:  Web Info Request
Many of the linked pages and sites accessible from the Akron Home Page are not maintained by us and we are not responsible for their availability or content. Please let us know if you find a dead link to these sites.

Colorado-Wyoming Research Council
Arthropod-Borne Animal Disease Research
  Laramie, WY - investigates animal diseases transmitted by insects, ticks, and spiders

National Center for Genetic Resources Perservation
   Ft. Collins - preserves base collections of National Plant Germplasm System, develops seed preservation technologies

Soil, Plant, Nutrient Research Laboratory
   Ft. Collins - conducts research on managing soil, fertilizer, and plant nutrients; water quality; and global change

Great Plains System Research
  Ft. Collins - develops and implements simulation models and decision support systems for agriculture

Rangeland Resources Research Unit
   Cheyenne, WY - conducts rangeland research

Sugarbeet Research Unit   Ft. Collins - conducts research on sugarbeet diseases, agronomy, and processing

Water Management Resource Unit
  Ft. Collins -
Conducting Research in Precision Farming, including:
Irrigation Management / Center Pivots / Model Development / Weed Management  / Remote Sensing

Accesibility USDA - ARS is committed to making its web sites accessible to all USDA customers and employees.  All of the agency web sites are undergoing review and redesign as necessary to ensure that they meet or exceed the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Many of our web sites currently meet the Section 508 accessibility standards.   Furthermore, USDA - ARS continues to work on making all web sites accessible.   Thank you very much for your patience through this redesign process. If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement, please contact the Web Manager of this page.

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Last edited:
Wednesday April 14, 2004