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 CSRC Homepage
 CSRC Site Map

   Search CSRC:

 CSD Publications:
   - Special Publications
   - FIPS Pubs
   - ITL Security Bulletins
   - NIST IRs

 CSD Focus Areas:
   - Cryptographic Standards
       & Application
   - Security Testing
   - Security Research /
       Emerging Technologies
   - Security Management
       & Guidance
   - Outreach Awareness
       & Education
   - FISMA Implementation

 General Information:
   - Site Map
   - List of Acronyms
   - Archived Projects
        & Conferences
   - Virus Information
   - ICAT Alerts

 News & Events  
   - Federal News
   - Security Events

 Services For the: 
   - Federal Community
   - Vendor
   - User

 Links & Organizations
   - Academic
   - Government
   - Professional
   - Additional Links

 Search NIST's ICAT
 Vulnerability Archive:
   Enter vendor, software, or keyword

Mission image

The Computer Security Division (CSD) - (893) is one of eight divisions within NIST's Information Technology Laboratory.

The mission of NIST's Computer Security Division is to improve information systems security by:

  • Raising awareness of IT risks, vulnerabilities and protection requirements, particularly for new and emerging technologies;
  • Researching, studying, and advising agencies of IT vulnerabilities and devising techniques for the cost-effective security and privacy of sensitive Federal systems;
  • Developing standards, metrics, tests and validation programs:
    • to promote, measure, and validate security in systems and services
    • to educate consumers and
    • to establish minimum security requirements for Federal systems
  • Developing guidance to increase secure IT planning, implementation, management and operation.


Last updated: August 22, 2004
Page created: January 5, 2000
