As the Department of Defense (DoD) joint command and control
(C2) system of record, the Global Command and Control System-
Joint (GCCS-J) fuses a suite of critical warfighting capabilities
to present an integrated, near real-time picture of the battlespace
for planning and executing joint military and multinational operations.
GCCS-J is an essential component for achieving the full spectrum
dominance articulated in Joint Vision 2020 and is central to successful
implementation of DoD Transformation objectives.
GCCS-J consists of hardware, software, procedures, standards and
interfaces, providing worldwide connectivity at all levels of
command. Built upon the Common Operating Environment (COE) infrastructure,
GCCS-J integrates joint and Service/Agency C2 mission capabilities,
databases, web technology and office automation tools. It provides
an open system architecture that allows a diverse group of systems
and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software packages to operate
at any GCCS-J location.
The combatant commands, military services and federal government
agencies serve as sponsors and approving authorities for GCCS-J
access for all entities under their direction. All other DoD components
must coordinate with the Joint Staff, J33 (CSOD). Entities outside
DoD must coordinate with the Joint Staff, J6.
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