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SLC-off Product Enhancements

Please note that all Landsat 7 SLC-off data are of the same radiometric and geometric quality as those collected prior to the SLC failure. The release of the product improvements below are simply intended to enhance the utility of L7 SLC-off data in the future.

An initial suite of Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) Scan Line Corrector (SLC)-off data products were released through the Level 1 Product Generation System (LPGS) on October 22, 2003.

Since that time, the USGS Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) has been implementing a series of improvements to SLC-off products and processing, in order to enhance the overall usability of SLC-off data. Three of these product enhancements are of particular importance to users who require a fully populated SLC-off image product:

User-selected Interpolation - Released
Gap-filled Product (Phase 1: SLC-on to SLC-off) - Released
Gap-filled Product (Phase 2: SLC-off to SLC-off) - Fall 2004

In addition to the enhanced products above, the USGS EDC will also be releasing a series of other improvements in the near future. The Landsat 7 SLC-off product modifications currently being implemented include:

1. Enhanced SLC-off Browse Image

The Landsat 7 browse image displayed on all data ordering interfaces has been modified to allow users to estimate the width of potential SLC-off scan gaps over their area of interest. (Details)

Released on Earth Explorer: December 8, 2003
Released on GloVis: January 29, 2004

2. User-Selected Interpolation

Users now have the ability to select the number of pixels that are interpolated across the data gaps during Level 1G processing. This will allow potential production of a fully populated image when specified by the user. (Details)

Released: March 10, 2004

3. SLC-off Data Available through NLAPS

Users may now purchase National Landsat Archive Production System (NLAPS) processing if desired, with increased options for SLC-off data access and levels of processing. (Details)

Released: April 5, 2004

4. Gap-filled product - Phase 1 (SLC-off / SLC-on Merge)

The initial (Phase 1) gap-filled image product is generated by replacing the missing data of an SLC-off scene with pixel values derived from a coregistered, histogram-matched SLC-on scene. This technique results in a fully populated “wall-to-wall” image product. (Details)

Feleased: May 10, 2004

5. Gap-Filled Product - Phase 2 (SLC-off / SLC-off Merge)

A second (Phase 2) gap-filled image product will be generated from the merge of two or more SLC-off scenes to produce a single image product. This approach will result in a fully populated SLC-off scene, with particular benefit for temporally sensitive studies. (Details)

Target release: Fall 2004

6. Inclusion of a Gap Mask

Band-specific gap mask files will be included with all SLC-off Level 1G data products. (Details)

Released: May 10, 2004
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