PACER Privacy and Security

Privacy and Security Notice

Thank you for visiting the PACER Service Center Web Site and reviewing our Privacy and Security Notice.


The PACER Service Center values your privacy. If you visit our site to read or download information, we collect and store only the following information:
    * The name of the domain from which you access the Internet.
    * The date and time you access our site.
PACER staff will not give, sell or transfer any personal information to third parties, except in the following cases:
    * To secure payment of delinquent fees, identifying information may be transmitted to a collection agency.
    * If compelled by law.
    * If you direct us to do so.
    * In other legally limited circumstances (for example, to protect your account from fraud).
For billing purposes, when you access court documents, we keep track of basic information about each transaction, such as the account, court, document type, search criteria, case number, time, date and number of pages. We also use session cookies to identify users. We will not provide this information to anyone, except for the situations set out above.

You also may decide to send us personal identifying information--your mailing address, for example--in a request for information. Information collected in this manner is used solely for responding to requests for information. You should NEVER send your PACER password to us in an electronic mail message.

When making payment by check, your check will be converted from a paper transaction to an electronic funds transfer in most cases. The conversion will be made by our authorized financial institution, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Treasury, Financial Management Service (FMS). Check conversion information will be maintained by FMS in its Master Verification Database, which contains information on negative check information or failed Automated Clearing House (ACH) debit entry transactions for certain checks that have been presented electronically to Federal agencies. Federal agencies will have access to check verification databases to determine the validity and/or check writing history of the payor. FMS will not disclose information from the Master Verification for purposes of check verification. Information may be used for law enforcement purposes and for other routine uses, such as systems development (See 68 Fed Reg. 5691 (2003) for a complete list of possible uses). Making payment by check is voluntary but a decision not to do so will require you to make payment by some other method.

For site management, information is collected for statistical purposes, such as assessing the number of visitors to the different sections of our site, identifying what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas. This information will be kept confidential.


To identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage, this Official United States Government System employs software programs to monitor network traffic . Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information stored on this system may result in criminal prosecution.

To avoid unauthorized use of the PACER system, the PACER Service Center recommends that you do not leave your terminal unattended after logging into the PACER system. If you must leave your terminal unattended, close your open browsers. The PACER Service Center also recommends not bookmarking pages past the login screen of all Web PACER applications, and using a password protected screen saver.

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For information or comments, please contact:

The PACER Service Center E-mail