Director of Administration & Management photo with the Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson memorials

spacerspacerDirector's Biography
Organization Chart
Organization & Functions Guidebook
Organizational & Management Planning
OSD Historical Office
Quality Management

Director of
Administration and Management

Under the direction of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Director of Administration and Management (DA&M) is the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense on DoD-wide organizational and administrative management matters. These include: developing and maintaining organizational charters and overseeing assigned programs, such as the DoD Committee Management Program, DoD Management Headquarters Program, DoD Historical Program, and the OSD Internal Management Control Program. In addition, the DA&M; serves as the DoD focal point for DoD Quality Management matters, analyzes and controls manpower requirements for the OSD and other assigned activities, and acts for the Secretary of Defense before the Congressional Joint Committee on Printing on all matters relating to printing, binding, and publications requirements (Title 44, U.S. Code Chapter 11). The DA&M also serves as the Director of Washington Headquarters Services, a DoD Field Activity.


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