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On behalf of the Secretary of Defense, we welcome you to the Korean War Commemoration web site. This is the official, public access web site for the United States of America's Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Korean War and is the starting point for all public information regarding events during the commemoration period which runs from June 25, 2000 through Nov 11, 2003.


Purpose: Congress authorized the Commemoration to:

    • Provide the people of the United States with a clear understanding and appreciation of the lessons and history of the Korean War

    • Thank and honor veterans of the Korean War and their families

    • Pay tribute to the sacrifices and contributions made on the home front from by the people of the United States during the Korean War

    • Highlight advances in technology, science and medicine related to military research conducted during the Korean War

    • Recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by the allies of the United States in the Korean War

    • Highlight the role of the Armed Forces of the United States, then and now, in maintaining world peace through strength



Congress asked the Secretary of Defense to coordinate Korean War Commemoration activities and events among all departments and agencies of the federal government and among state and local governments and communities across the nation.  We seek to establish partnerships with committed communities, schools, civic and veterans organizations, businesses, media and social agencies and organizations nationwide and among the nations of our 21 Allies in the Korean War.  Effectively, wherever two or more are gathered for the purpose of recognizing Korean War veterans, families and next of kin, we have potential for Commemoration Partners to help achieve success in the nation's quest to honor Korean War veterans.  The Korean War marked the first time in history that the United Nations sent armed forces into combat to stop aggression.  Armed forces and medical support units from 20 United Nations member states, along with the Republic of Korea and Italy, teamed together under the United Nations banner to halt the attempted communist takeover of the Republic of Korea.  The service and sacrifices of our Korean War veterans 50 years ago saved a nation from communist enslavement and gave the nascent country of South Korea the OPPORTUNITY to develop and flourish under freedom and democracy into the successful, modern nation it is today.


About the Flag:

The 50th Anniversary of the Korean War Commemoration Flag is symbolic of the unified effort of the United States, the Republic of Korea and our allies to stop communist aggression on the Korean peninsula 50 years ago. The light blue and white streamer that runs through the center of the flag is the U.N. Battle Streamer. The 22 stars represent the 22 allied nations that fought side-by-side to save South Korea. The words "Freedom is not Free" were added by our veterans who, more than anyone else, know the great price of liberty. The flag is in both the English and Korean (Hangul) languages. In the center is the "Tae Guk" symbol from the South Korean flag, familiar to many as the symbol for the philosophy of Yin and Yang. In Korea, known as Eum and Yang, the symbol stands for peace and harmony. South Korea has adopted this as their official commemoration flag. The Institute of Heraldry assisted the United States of America Korean War Commemoration Committee with the design of the flag. A major goal of the Commemoration is to see this flag displayed by Commemoration Partners throughout communities all across the Nation to honor and thank the veterans of the Korean War, their families and next of kin of those who were lost.


About the Logo:

The focal point of the 50th Anniversary of the Korean War Commemoration Crest is the three-lobed Taeguk, known as the sam-Taeguk. The three lobes of the sam-Taeguk are as follows:

Red and White stripes representing the United States

Dark Blue representing South Korea

The United Nations Light Blue with 22 Gold stars representing the 20 United Nations member states, plus the Republic of Korea and Italy, that formed the Allied Coalition.
Traditionally, the Taeguk depicted on the flag of the Republic of Korea represents two states of being, Heaven and Earth (spiritual and physical). The sam-Taeguk stands for three states of being: Heaven, Earth and Man. Heaven represents the spiritual, Earth is the physical and Man is the intermediary who embodies both the spiritual and physical.

The wreath and gold lettering symbolize honor and excellence

During the commemoration period, the nation will honor the Korean War veterans for the sacrifices they made to ensure a free and democratic Republic of Korea.

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