Fire Map
Large Fire Locations from the National Interagency Coordination Center at NIFC.

GEOMACGeoMac: A multi-agency effort to bring together on-line, real-time information about wildland fires.

Fire Potential MapNational Wildland Fire Monthly Outlook: Narrative and Map

National Wildland Fire Seasonal Outlook: Narrative and Map

Prepared by the National Interagency Coordination Center at NIFC.

BLM Airspace Information System Interagency Airspace Information System: A web site available to all aviators to access Temporary Flight Restrictions due to fire suppression operations.

Drought MapU.S. Drought Monitor:  National Drought Mitigation Center

USFS Remote Sensing Applications CenterRSAC Fire Maps:  These maps were compiled at the USDA Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Center in cooperation with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, the University of Maryland, the National Interagency Fire Center and the USDA Forest Service Missoula Fire Science Laboratory. The fire locations are mapped using imagery collected by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer.

Fire EventsFire Events:  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fire Maps

AVHRRAVHRR Satellite Images:  Forest Service Region 4 Weather Smoke and Fire

NWSNational Weather Service Forecasts:  Fire Weather and Weather Forecasts

National Fire WeatherNational Fire Weather Page:  National Fire Weather Forecasts, Offices, Outlooks, Observations, RAWS, Haines Index, Radar, Satellite, Drought, Temperature, Rainfall, Snowpack Data, Coordination Centers, Situation Reports