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Table 1. Business sector: Productivity, hourly compensation, unit labor costs, and prices, seasonally adjusted

  Table 1. Business sector: Productivity, hourly compensation, unit labor costs,
  and prices, seasonally adjusted
     Year       Output per             Hours     Compensa-   compensa-   Unit     Unit non-   Implicit
     and        hour of                of all    tion per    tion per    labor    labor pay-  price
     quarter    all persons  Output    persons   hour (1)    hour (2)    costs    ments (3)   deflator (4)
                                           Indexes 1992=100

  2002       I     122.7      142.2     115.9     143.2       115.2      116.7       113.4      115.5
            II     123.2      142.9     116.0     144.4       115.2      117.2       113.6      115.9
           III     124.7      144.3     115.7     145.0       115.0      116.3       115.7      116.1
            IV     125.0      144.7     115.7     145.5       114.8      116.3       116.8      116.5

        ANNUAL     123.9      143.5     115.8     144.5       115.0      116.6       114.9      116.0

  2003       I     126.2      145.5     115.3     147.4       115.3      116.8       117.7      117.1
            II     128.6      147.5     114.7     149.6       116.8      116.4       119.0      117.3
           III     131.2      150.8     114.9     151.7       117.7      115.6       120.8      117.5
            IV     132.0      152.3     115.4     153.2       118.7      116.0       120.7      117.8

        ANNUAL     129.5      149.0     115.1     150.5       117.1      116.2       119.6      117.4

  2004       I     133.3      154.3     115.8    r154.2      r118.4     r115.7      r122.9      118.4
            II    r133.8     r155.5    r116.3    r155.6      r118.1     r116.3      r124.4     r119.4
                       Percent change from previous quarter at annual rate(5)

  2002       I       5.9        3.5      -2.3       4.9         3.5       -1.0         1.0       -0.3
            II       1.7        2.1       0.4       3.4        -0.1        1.7         1.0        1.4
           III       4.8        3.8      -1.0       1.6        -0.7       -3.1         7.3        0.7
            IV       1.2        1.2       0.0       1.3        -0.6        0.0         3.8        1.4

        ANNUAL       4.3        1.8      -2.4       3.2         1.5       -1.1         4.5        0.9

  2003       I       3.9        2.2      -1.6       5.5         1.7        1.6         3.1        2.1
            II       7.6        5.6      -1.9       6.1         5.4       -1.4         4.5        0.8
           III       8.5        9.3       0.7       5.6         3.1       -2.6         6.3        0.7
            IV       2.4        4.2       1.7       4.0         3.3        1.6        -0.4        0.8

        ANNUAL       4.5        3.8      -0.7       4.1         1.8       -0.4         4.1        1.3

  2004       I       3.9        5.3       1.3      r2.8       r-0.8      r-1.1        r7.4        2.1
            II      r1.5       r3.2      r1.6      r3.7       r-1.0       r2.1        r5.1       r3.3
                      Percent change from corresponding quarter of previous year

  2002       I       4.9        0.8      -3.9       3.2         1.9       -1.6         6.6        1.2
            II       4.0        1.1      -2.8       3.4         2.1       -0.6         3.5        0.9
           III       4.9        2.8      -2.0       3.3         1.6       -1.6        c5.0        0.8
            IV       3.4        2.7      -0.7       2.8         0.5       -0.6         3.2        0.8

        ANNUAL       4.3        1.8      -2.4       3.2         1.5       -1.1         4.5        0.9

  2003       I       2.9        2.3      -0.6       2.9         0.1        0.0         3.8        1.4
            II       4.4        3.2      -1.1       3.6         1.4       -0.7         4.7        1.3
           III       5.3        4.5      -0.7       4.6         2.4       -0.6         4.4        1.3
            IV       5.6        5.3      -0.3       5.3        c3.4       -0.3         3.4        1.1

        ANNUAL       4.5        3.8      -0.7       4.1         1.8       -0.4         4.1        1.3

  2004       I       5.6        6.1       0.5      r4.6        r2.7      r-0.9        r4.4        1.1
            II      r4.0       r5.4       1.3      r4.0        r1.1       r0.0        r4.6        1.7
  See footnotes following Table 6.                                       Sept. 2, 2004 corrected
  r=revised                                                              Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

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Last Modified Date: October 13, 2004


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