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USTR Welcomes Swift Approval of U.S.-Australia Trade Agreement

In statements released July 14 and 15, United States Trade Representative (USTR) Robert B. Zoellick praised the U.S. Congress for its "swift passage" of the proposed U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

The measure was quickly approved in both houses of Congress by overwhelming majorities. The House of Representatives approved the measure by a vote of 314-109 on July 14, and the Senate endorsement followed one day later with a vote of 80-16.

Zoellick said the wide margins of approval demonstrated "overwhelming support for an important economic partner and a good friend."

The U.S.-Australia FTA, the United States' first such agreement with a developed country since 1989, was concluded in February. It now goes to the White House for the president's signature.

The agreement must also be approved by the Australian parliament.

Following are the texts of Zoellick's statements, as released by the Office of the USTR


JULY 14, 2004

Statement of U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick Following House Approval of Australia Free Trade Agreement

"We are delighted that the House of Representatives has marked the two-year anniversary of passage of the Trade Act of 2002 with the overwhelming passage of the U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement.

"The United States will gain much from this new economic partnership. More than 99% of the manufactured goods traded between the United States and Australia will be duty-free on day one, making this 'the manufacturing FTA'. This is the most significant immediate reduction of industrial tariffs ever achieved in a U.S. free trade agreement.

"We are very proud of this state-of-the-art trade agreement. In addition to freeing trade in industrial goods, the new FTA removes barriers to agricultural products, investment, government procurement, and services while increasing protection for intellectual property and freeing electronic commerce.

"President Bush pressed vigorously to enact The Trade Act of 2002 which renewed presidential Trade Promotion Authority after an eight-year lapse. The Australia FTA passed by a vote of 314 to 109; these votes are a tribute both to bipartisan cooperation by Members of Congress and to President Bush's strong commitment to opening markets overseas for American businesses, workers and farmers.

"I would especially like to thank Representatives Bill Thomas, Charlie Rangel, Roy Blunt, Jennifer Dunn, Cal Dooley and Joseph Crowley for their leadership.

"The free trade agreements approved today by the House are an important part of the Administration's efforts to expand trade globally, regionally, and bilaterally. We now look forward to swift passage in the Senate.

"We also have to work with the Congress in the coming weeks to advance the U.S. - Morocco FTA toward final passage.

"This Administration has completed FTAs with twelve countries and is negotiating with ten more. New and pending FTA partners, taken together, would constitute America's third largest export market and the sixth largest economy in the world.

"As we promised the supporters of trade in the Congress, we are putting Trade Promotion Authority to excellent use."


This Administration has completed free trade agreements with Chile, Jordan, Singapore, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Australia, Morocco, the Dominican Republic and Bahrain.

The United States is currently negotiating free trade agreements with Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Thailand and with the five nations of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) - Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland and Namibia.

In addition to negotiating FTAs, the United States will continue to aggressively press for global free markets through the World Trade Organization; and for hemispheric openness, through the creation of a Free Trade Area of the Americas.


JULY 15, 2004

Statement of U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick Following Senate Approval of the U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement

"I would like to thank the many Senators of both parties who supported the swift passage of the U.S. - Australia Free Trade Agreement, a 21st century, state-of-the-art agreement that strengthens America's position within the modern globalized economy.

"This agreement is truly a 'Manufacturing FTA' because over 99% of the manufactured goods traded between the United States and Australia will be duty-free on day one.

"President Bush's leadership helped secure the bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority, which we have put to good use in opening markets, and expanding opportunities for American workers, businesses, farmers and consumers.

"The Senate passage puts us one step closer to dramatically increasing trade between our nations - projected to rise by billions of dollars - and therefore, creating more economic opportunity in both the United States and Australia.

"The vote of 80 to 16 demonstrates overwhelming support for an important economic partner and a good friend.

"This successful FTA, like others we have completed or are negotiating, is only possible because Congress passed Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) in 2002. I would especially like to thank Senators Charles Grassley and Max Baucus for their leadership on TPA and this agreement with Australia. This free trade agreement is an excellent example of the fulfillment of the goals of the bipartisan TPA consensus on trade.

"We hope Congressional approval of the Australia FTA will provide an excellent atmosphere in which to also approve the pending U.S.-Morocco FTA. We will work closely with Congress to secure passage of the agreement with Morocco, too."


On Wednesday evening, the House overwhelmingly approved the Australia FTA 314 to 109. Australia must also approve the agreement. Today's Senate action is one more important step on the way to President Bush signing the FTA's implementing legislation.

This Administration has completed free trade agreements with 12 countries: Chile, Jordan, Singapore, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Australia, Morocco, the Dominican Republic and Bahrain.

The United States is currently negotiating free trade agreements with ten more: Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Thailand and with the five nations of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) - Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland and Namibia.

In addition to negotiating FTAs, the United States will continue to aggressively press for global free markets through the World Trade Organization; and for hemispheric openness, through the creation of a Free Trade Area of the Americas.

Embassy of the United States