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American Centers
Transcript: Bush Presses Senate on Trade Negotiating Authority

Following is an excerpt of a transcript of Bush's remarks:
January 15, 2002

And that's what's got to happen on this issue of trade. One of the reasons I'm traveling down the spine of America and on the mighty Mississippi is because I want to remind our fellow citizens how important trade is. It's important to these workers that we trade. The people who are loading these ships load them because we're trading around the world. The farmers who are selling product can sell more if we trade. And if the farmers sell more of their product, we can sell more of the machines made in Moline, Illinois, so the good folks up there, the UAW [United Auto Workers labor union] workers, can work.

I'm worried about jobs. And I believe if you trade more, there are more jobs available for hardworking Americans. (Applause.) There are some who play politics with the trade issue. They want to shut down trade. I like to remind people, those who shut down trade aren't confident. They're not confident in the American worker; they're not confident in the American entrepreneur; they're not confident in American products.

I'm just the opposite. I know we've got the best workers in the world; I know we can make the best products in the world. And therefore, we ought to have free and fair trade around the world. (Applause.) I'm not the only one that feels that way. Some of the longshoremen that I met coming in said, we need trade so I can keep working. I got a nice letter from your Mayor. He said, you know, he's sorry he couldn't see me because he's on a trade mission to Mexico City. However, I want you to know that I fully support your efforts to pass legislation giving your administration fast track authority to negotiate trade agreements. (Applause.)

This isn't a Republican issue; this isn't a Democrat issue. Trade is a jobs issue. And the United States Senate needs to hear the voices of the working people and get me a bill I can sign. (Applause.)