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EPA Launches Industry Partnership to Reduce Greenhouse Gases

Following is the text of the EPA press release:

EPA Newsroom Environmental Protection Agency February 20, 2001

EPA Administrator Whitman Launches Climate Leaders Program Charter Members Commit to Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Emissions Reduction Targets

In a ceremony today, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Christie Whitman launched a key component of the Administration's new climate policy, Climate Leaders.

This new voluntary partnership challenges business to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and provides a significant opportunity to achieve the greenhouse gas intensity reductions set forth in the Administration's new policy.

"When President Bush committed the United States to reducing - voluntarily -- our greenhouse gas intensity by 18 percent over the next decade, he knew that it would take a heavy reliance on partnerships to achieve our goal," said EPA Administrator Whitman. "The new Climate Leaders program is exactly what he had in mind - and I am pleased to be able to announce this voluntary partnership between government and industry today."

Whitman also recognized those companies joining as charter members in the Climate Leaders program. Charter members have committed to complete a corporate-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and work with EPA to set an emissions reduction target. These companies represent a diverse group of energy-intensive and service-oriented companies. In the coming months, the Administration will aggressively pursue additional corporate partners representing a wide spectrum of the U.S. economy.

"The companies that participate in this program -- promising to meet a higher standard than other companies in their sector -- are showing true leadership as environmental stewards," said Whitman. "They are proving that doing what is good for the environment, is also good for business. They are providing an example to everyone that we all must do our share to address the effects of climate change -- and we must start now, as they have."

The Climate Leaders Charter Partners are:

-- FPL Group Inc., (Juno Beach, Florida)
-- General Motors Corporation (Detroit, Michigan)
-- Holcim (US) Inc. (Dundee, Michigan)
-- Interface Inc. (Atlanta, Georgia)
-- Lockheed Martin (Bethesda, Maryland)
-- Miller Brewing Company (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
-- Norm Thompson Outfitters (Portland, Oregon)
-- S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. (Racine, Wisconsin)
-- Cinergy Corporation, (Cincinnati Ohio)
-- Bethlehem Steel Corporation (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania)
-- PSEG (Newark, New Jersey)

Climate Leaders Partners work with EPA to develop corporate-wide greenhouse gas emissions inventories and set aggressive, long-term GHG reduction goals. Partners develop their greenhouse gas inventory using the Climate Leaders' Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Protocol.

Companies report emissions of the six major greenhouse gases from all major on-site emissions of greenhouse gases and emissions related to the electricity they purchase. Companies may also report emissions and reductions from a number of other activities including investments in offset projects. The Climate Leaders Protocol is based on an existing protocol developed by the World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

After Partners complete their greenhouse gas inventory, EPA will work closely with them to develop a customized emissions reduction target. These targets must be aggressive long-term targets that exceed business-as-usual performance for the Partner's sector.